The Dance

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When we got to the dance, there were so many people there. The song Moves Like Jagger was playing, so many people were just dancing. Some kids were having some sorta dance battle, one of which was just doing Tiktok dances, so it wasn't as impressive. It was the one that got nicknamed "The Male Charli D'Amilio". 

I had taken dance lessons for hip hop a while back, but I always got embarrassed whenever I would have to sing and dance in front of anyone who wasn't my friends or family. I was told that I was a good dancer and beautiful singer, but I just didn't believe it. And plus, I would always freeze up no matter what when I was in front of a crowd. 

It went to a slow song after and I ended up just standing off to the side for a small fraction of it, until Michael walked up to me. "Hey, um, do you, like, wanna dance?", he asked. My mouth dropped open but I quickly snapped out of it. 

"Sure", I said with a smile. He held out his arm as if taking me to prom and I took it. We walked somewhere near the middle of the MPR. He actually wasn't that bad of a dancer. He looked me in my (E/C) eyes almost the whole entire dance. 

By the time it was time to go, I was so happy and exhausted. I said my goodbyes and started walking home. My friend had left early (without me) and the one girl that had stabbed me in the back had asked if I wanted a ride. Of course, I said no. I just didn't want to deal with the backstabber. 

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