EXTRA. A day in the Council's life

Start from the beginning

Arriving in front of the conference room, he did not wait for Elias to open the doors. With determination enveloping his heart steading it into place, he clasped the doorknobs with both of his hands and forcefully pushed the double door that stood between him and a brighter future. Unbothered by the loud noises the wooden frames made as they clashed against the walls, he decisively walked inside, his heavy steps carrying his final resolve.

The atmosphere in the Council room was solemn. Looking from left to right, the councilmember's expressions strikingly resembled his own. His worries and problems were shared by the others, he knew of this with certainty. Absolutely every single councilmember's visage was pale and stressed. But beneath their appearances they all shared his determination, he could see relentlessness in their eyes and a desire to take this traitorous decision until the bitter end. For this he was thankful.

Not waiting any longer, as he knew that each second could be the last before they were caught, he briskly walked inside and headed towards the leader's seat. Once seated, without further ado the elder started the meeting.

"Gentlemen, the meeting today is of utmost importance. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your cooperation. We have gathered all the evidence we can think of, we have gathered the information from all the sources possible and impossible. We have even bribed and used everyone we know of. All the assistants closest to his highness are in fact our people, now it is the time to act." His voice was already hoarse from the beginning, and it would continue to worsen as time passed. Finishing these initial words, he closed his eyes, solidifying his belief once more, then opened them again to continue.

"Now, let us begin talkin..." He started to speak, but did not manage to utter more as the door, that had been closed by Elias after they entered, was harshly opened.

Tall and solemn, possessing a somber face that seemed capable of freezing their souls, the high ranking werewolf suddenly stood in the doorway. It was the person they least expected to appear. Hadn't their sources assured them of his inability to seek them at this hour with certainty? It couldn't be... they had a double spy amidst them.

With this frightening realization, the elders' faces paled in his presence. Every one of them were guilty of betrayal. Unfortunately their treason had been discovered.

"You geezers. How dare you hold the current meeting without my knowledge?" Salas's voice was at a normal volume, but anger could be felt in it.

"Your highness, this is .... " The leader of the Council tried to say an excuse.

"Emery, please do not try to lie to me. Joshua already confessed that he was bribed by you. So I advise you to reconsider your words." He interrupted, he knew that if he did not say this, the leader of the Council would mislead him indefinitely. He would never admit the accusations placed on him.

The old leader was truly angered. Not only did his highness dare to call him Emery, even though everyone knew he hated that name, now he had also no other way out, but to confess. Really that Joshua had turned out to be a double agent. He only pretended to comply with them, but was in fact still working for his highness. He should have known that a Gamma would not easily betray his Alpha.

Without any valid reason to refute the king, Emery sighed and looked directly in Salas's eyes.

"Alright, I confess, but it is all my fault. Please do not punish the others. I assume full responsibility." He said, his heart heavy with remorse because he was caught before they accomplished their goal, not of regret for his treason.

"Really, how did we get to this stage? In the past you would have never done such a thing." The king stated disappointed, while quickly looked at each one of them.

Under his scrutinizing gaze, the councilmembers lowered their eyes and pretended to look at their hands or at the table. They would gaze anywhere else but at Salas.

"You have left us with no other choice your highness. The fate of the kingdom we must take it from your hands and deal with this situation on our own!" The Council leader stated aggrieved, but with his confidence renewed. He was already caught, might as well lay all the cards on the table and speak frankly.

"I have left you with no choice? I still have time. Why do you still insist on this subject? Emery, leave the matter to rest already." Salas said sighing. He already knew their problem, it was the same as always. These damn geezers, really they could never leave him alone. They were already old werewolves, but still minded his personal business. Even now he had to cut short his meeting with the watcher students and come here because of them.

"I will not your highness. This meeting will take place whether you accept it or not. We must have an heir. Trust us, we have gathered all the information necessary. We have details on all the eligible werewolves maidens gathered here and we have also correlated with your preferences." The elder proudly informed as he pointed towards the projector that had been set up by Elias. The power point presentation was already rolling and a big title could be seen on the wall "Project of priority 1. Plan for the future heir".

"Emery, enough already. I will deal with my personal life on my own." Salas expressed upset again, a clear vexed tone could be sensed in his voice.

"Your majesty, firstly what personal life you speak of, you have no such thing. And secondly, would you please stop it with the Emery. My name is Victor." The old man already had tears in his eyes. The kid he watched growing up kept teasing him, even though the latter knew he hated his girlish name.

"Your name is Emery Victor Reynolds, so of course I have to call you Emery. Right, Emery?" Salas asked again. It seemed that the tears that were already threatening to fall from the old man's eyes did not affect him. Of course, he knew it was only a trick.

Salas sighed again, as he always sighed numerous of times when he dealt with the Council members. Really now, they were using the meetings in which they should be discussing important things for stupid reasons, it seems as though they were turning in to children.

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