Part 5

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At Ming's insistence, they went to they went into the office together, he would not allow his lover to face the situation alone. Ming gripped Kit's hand as they walked into the office, they needed to show a united front to the elder Inchotar, their future depended on it.

Kit had quickly become his everything and who could survive without oxygen.

When they both walked in Mr Inchotar was surprised to see them both, "Monkol, I thought you wanted to speak to me?"

"I do dad, but it's something that concerns both of us." Somehow with Ming standing next to him holding his hand Kit gain strength.

Turning to Ming, he sternly asked, "Is that so young man?"

"Yes sir, it is," Ming politely replied.

"Alright then, have a seat and tell what the problem is."

Ming began, although he as nervous as Kit if not more, but he needed Mr Inchotar to that he was a trustworthy person.

"Sir the reason we came to see you today is so that I can introduce myself to you. As I said earlier my name is Mingkwan my last name is Daichapanya, the only son of Kasemchai Daichapanya of XX holdings, I am P'kit's boyfriend." Ming rushed through what he needed to say lest he should lose his courage.

While Ming spoke, Kit neer let go of his hand, Mr Inchotar noticed all those small gestures and he could tell that Kit had told Ming about his history with wealthy people.

"Boys, the truth is I've known about you two for a while from doctor Kongthanin, I've just been waiting for you to come to speak with me. I can see that you love each other very much, the fact that you came together says it all. " Mr Inchotar stopped, taking in the way the boys sat next to each other, the intertwined finger it all spoke volumes. 

"Truth be told, I still have my reservation about people of wealth, but after talking to doctor Kongthanin, he told me he almost lost his son because of his stupidity, I decided to let life take its course. I have known for a long time that I can't live my children's life for them."

"You mean it, daddy?" Kit said excitedly and jumped into his father's arms, tears streaming down his face, "Of course Kitten."

Ming stood up watching his KitKat who was hugging his dad, he was happy, to see the smile return to his precious person's eyes. "Mr Inchotar, thank you for the chance  to make our own path."

"A word of warning, don't hurt my boy or you'll regret it," Mr Inchotar's tone was firm it caused Ming to shiver, "I will do my best sir so that he is always happy."

Mr Inchotar was pleased that Ming had not said, 'I promise' since promises such as these were hard to keep. As time went by they would learn that sadness would come. After a few more minutes, the boys exited the office with big smiles on their faces.

They sauntered over to Mrs Inchotar, who was in the kitchen preparing some coffee for her husband. She felt a pair of arms envelop her, "Dad gave us his blessing mom, he'll tell you everything when you speak to him."

"I am, glad kitten," Mrs Inchotar smiled at her youngest son. "Your brother and his friend have left, but they will be back next weekend, would you boys like to come over as well?" Ming answered, "As much as I would love to, I can't, I promised my mom that I would visit then."

"It sounds like you are very close to your mom."

"We are a close-knit family, I must admit."  At the thought of his mother, Ming could not help the smile on his face. "Actually my family to more than just my parents and I even my best friend is like my younger brother," Kit smiled fondly at the mention of Yo, "Don't get him started mom he has no shut off switch when it comes to family," Mrs Inchotar laughed.

"Why don't you make a date and you all come up, I miss having young people, around the house," if it were possible the smile on Ming's face became wider and nodded as if he were a bobble-head, "Thank you, ma'am, he'll certainly enjoy that, as you have a very welcoming home."

Mrs Inchotar tilted her head and gave Ming yet another smile, Ming could now see who his Kitkat got his dimples from, while he had been anxious he had not noticed, but now that the tension had eased he was able to relax. "Thank you, dear. Now, tell me will you young people stay overnight or will you head back before dark?"

Kit pouted, "That would have been nice mom, but we didn't bring up anything to change into, we didn't know how dad would react to our news so..."  Kit dragged out.

Kit's Mom laughed, at her son's childlike behaviour, it had been a while since she'd seen him like this, Mingkwan seemed to bring back the child in her boy, it was something she had missed. "It's alright sweetheart, anyway the drive back is two hours, it's already past three, I would prefer if you head back now, I don't want you driving on those roads too late."

"Yes ma'am," both boys replied together then they each kissed Mrs Inchotar on the cheek, after which they informed Mr Inchotar of their departure. Kit hugged his dad once more while Ming received a firm and one would say warning handshake.

Once they were on their way back, the young men could hardly wait to tell their friends of the good news they had received. 

Such wonder for them both, the events that had almost messed up Pha's life had paved the way for them. At the time that those things happened, they were angry, but now, they were happy things had happened the way they did.


"Ming, can we pull in over there," Kit asked as they arrived at a rest stop, but Kit was not pointing to the rest stop but at a motel, Ming, was left flabbergasted, was this the same Kit he knew, Ming didn't want Kit to change his mind, so he did as directed.

In the privacy of that rented room Kit did things he never thought himself capable of, he rode Ming as if the latter were a stallion, not giving him a moment of respite. Seeing his shy lover take the lead gave Ming an unexpected high. It was not until the early hour of Sunday morning that their bodies finally passed out from too much pleasure.


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