(12) The Sweet Release of Death would be my worst enemy

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Chapter title: The sweet release of death would be my worse enemy

George let out a shaky breath as he sunk onto the floor of his apartment

The tears he'd so desperately wanted to keep in had come spilling out, all he could remember was his brothers' voice, permanently etched into his mind.

"Don't go, George, forget college!"

He should've never gone to college

"Promise me you'll come back?"

George sobbed, he kept his word but Nick never made that promise, Nick never said 'i promise I'll be here when you come back.'

"I wanna be just like you George."

George didn't even want to be George

"George, I'm scared"

All those events came relapsing in his mind as he sobbed and kicked his legs around

He gripped at his hair and shouted as he hugged his knees

The badge he once held with pride was now the reason his family was dead

He gasped as he took it off and threw it god knows where

Choking for any type of air, sobbing and crying, kicking and thrashing around like little children did when throwing a tantrum

The same words repeated in his mind, 'Please please please..'

George passed out, due to exhaustion and dehydration. He paid no mind to his cell phone ringing across the room, he just laid there, in front of his door unmoving. Too tired to get up yet too awake to even go to sleep

He needed to eat something

After hours and hours when the sun began rising the next day, had he finally stood up shakily

His mother's screams were heard in the background

He shook and fell on the floor, attempting to catch himself on one of the stools next to his island but failing as the chair made a loud squeaking noise

He sobbed again and lay there

His father's grunts of pain and his yells echoed through the empty halls

George stared at the floor, not doing anything to move

He sat there, like an ice cube on the floor

Waiting for nothing as he stared off into space

Forcing himself to stand once again and eat something

He stood and just decided a bowl of cereal would be fine

Yet as he was eating he felt anxious, he felt guilty that he was eating. When he should be laying around in misery. His family would never eat another meal again, yet here he was

The guilt settled in and suddenly he wasn't hungry, not that he ever was in the first place. He dropped his bowl and ran to the bathroom, the loud sound of glass shattering in the background as he bent over the toilet and threw up

The sound of glass shattering and screams followed by shots were heard

He sobbed into the toilet as he threw up his insides, leaning tiredly on the tub as he stared at the tile

He stood shakily, dizzy from the feeling, and brushed his teeth, getting ready to go back into bed

He looked in the mirror yet he didn't see himself at all, no, he saw a young George and Nick

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