(7) Tolerance

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"He got another note!"


Currently, the trio was sitting in Alyssa's dorm, reading over the various notes Darryl had received throughout the day

"What did he say this time?"

"Who, Darryl's zakky wacky?"

She fluttered her eyelashes as she leaned next to Darryl, being shoved away as he scrunched his eyebrows together

"Alyssa stop doing that it creeps me out!"

George stood and made his way to her kitchen

"You know what freaks me out?"


George opened the fridge

"That too, but the fact that you know it's Zak yet you haven't done shit about it."

He shut the fridge as he opened a soda can, placing it on the counter as he searched through the pantry

Alyssa groaned, "Yeah Darryl, what's the point of getting excited if we already know who it is? That just takes the fun out of the mystery!"

George gasped as he interrupted Darryl, slamming his granola bar onto the marble counter

"I think I know how we can make this fun again!"

"Do tell me, good sir."

"We catch him in the act!"

Alyssa gasped as she snapped her fingers

"Using our amazing detective skills!"


"Guys, if he's gonna talk to me tonight, I really don't think there's a point."

The other two groaned

Alyssa opening her file over the coffee table as George flopped onto the couch

"Darryl, you solved the cold case. Didn't you have to look at the autopsy records?"

Darryl hummed as he began to write down his own report

"Yeah, I had to look over all the evidence.."

He took out sharpies and markers as he looked over notes, George having done most of his work only turning on the Television in the background to act as white noise

"What did you find different?"

"Well for starters, the surgical lines were totally incorrect.."

Darryl seemingly distracted as he wrote down on a sheet of paper

"The weapon was also unaccounted for, which got me thinking about who had their hands on it last..."

He tore it out of his journal and handed it to Alyssa

"If you think there's something off about the report, go with your gut."

She hummed as she looked over the sheet

   Alyssa's guide ・ω・*

1- Take a look at all the evidence (in this case the autopsy report)

2- Find the person who made the file, the autopsy doctor :P

3- Ask them about the case

4- Take notes, very valuable information can be shared in moments like these

5- Visit the mourge (I know disgusting ಠಗಠ)

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