02| Eccedentesiast

Start from the beginning

Aaron immediately scowled, swatting Luke's hands away. "I hate you,"

Luke rustled out of the kitchen, but not before saying, "Have a good day at school, son."

"Don't call me son,"

"I love you loads, me boy."

"Luke I swear –"


He hated riding the bus – he really did.

It was weird every time, seeing some random stranger's mouth open in shock and a small child look up to Aaron like he was a monster – it was even scary at times at how people looked at Aaron like he was some sort of alien mutant that can shape shift.

He sat on the far end of the bus always, noticing every single time how the seat next to him was always empty – even if the bus was packed and seats were in desperate need, no one ever sat next to Aaron.

The bus usually picked him up at 7:50, and took around 15 minutes to drop him to school, but judging from the traffic right in front of them, it would probably take them longer.

Great, he thought, exhaling as he ran a hand through his hair, just another crappy day in the progress.

He scrunched his nose now that he was actually using his senses, almost gagging at the smell of sweat and cheerfulness in the air.

The kids in the back were obnoxiously talking, a few laughing while others played rather loud video games. He could even spot a few throwing paper planes at each other from the corner of his eye, and that was when the groan escaped his lips.

People and happiness just weren't his thing.

He then proceeded to drift his attention towards the outside, watching as the multiple cars passed by them – probably letting those students reach school before him – and the many useless advertisement boards that vanished in a second while the bus accelerated.

But what much did he really expect from a 5 dollar bus?

His phone then beeped, making him sigh in frustration; his hand already checking on his phone and the living abomination who had the audacity to attempt communication with Aaron before noon.

From: Luke

To: Asshole

Hey, we are all out of milk btw, so get some before you come home, alrighty son? J

Try getting the low fat one, I am trying this new diet thing and it says it needs like low fat milk.

It was too early in the morning for Aaron to handle this.

Obviously Aaron wasn't going to respond to such an idiotic text, but his phone vibrated once more before he even got the chance to shove it back in his pocket.

From: Luke

To: Asshole

Alright, false alarm. I need almond milk, not low fat.

Aaron snorted before he shook his head again, pinching the bridge of his nose.

From: Aaron

To: Dickface

You don't even fucking live with me.

He sighed once more – he now had a headache.


School wasn't exactly any better.

Eyes would still flicker towards him, and he could hear the students whisper about him as he made his way to his locker.

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