30~ Cliff

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**Warning: Scenes may be triggering**

 I was currently sleeping over at Caleb's house and we were watching a movie but he seemed....odd. "Hey Caleb are you okay?" I asked placing my hand gently on his shoulder "Hm?..uh yeah im fine" he said emotionless not looking my in the eyes. "Your lying, whats wrong?" He passed me his phone and it was open in a group chat the name of the chat was Kill yourself Caleb I scowled up reading the messages, every time Caleb left the conversation they would add him back in. "They threaten to hurt you if I don't do as I say....they beat me more badly but the school is to stupid to help" he muttered

"They wont hurt me, and I wont let them hurt you I'll try be there with you all day" I said softly but he shook his head. "Its okay...I can handle it...lets just sleep okay?" He whispered still not looking me in the eyes. I looked down at my lap "Okay..." He turned off the light and turned the tv off; then laid next to me holding me close.

"Kris...you know I love you so much, and I never want you in pain right?" He whispered into my ear holding on of my hands; his chest against my back. "Yeah I know" I respond, he leaned close pulling my face to him and he kissed me softly then pulled away and laid back down. "Good...and im sorry"

"Sorry for what?" I asked in a whisper

"I just am" He whispered back before I fell asleep.


I woke up with a terrible feeling in my gut I sat up and looked at the time. 4:12am The hell? I looked around "Caleb?" I called no response. Then I saw something taped to the door. I ran up to it and started reading


By this time I should be out the house, gone. I never want you in pain and im sorry for what I am about to do but the pain I feel is just so unbearable. Kristian you have given me the best time of my life this year and I do not deserve to have you in my life, I dragged you down with me, people started picking on you because of me!

People found out about my self-harm, they tease me, tell me to kill myself, just go cut, that you wouldn't give a shit and I dont believe that because I know you more than any of those people. I love you so god damn much never never never forget that.

Kristina...Kris....My love I will watch over you goodbye

Caleb xoxo

The paper fell out of my hands. "No" I gasped, tears starting to fall from my eyes. "No no no" I repeated, Kathrine isn't home so how do I find him? I thought back to a few days ago when he was acting odd. He brought up the subject of cliffs...that is! The cliff. I ran out the bedroom and into the front yard it was pouring with rain. "Shit!" I screamed. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Caleb's phone. No answer, call again...no answer

Next I tried Jake "Kristina its like fucking four in the morning"

"Its Caleb hes going to kill himself I cant get to him please come pick me up please im so scared!" I yelled, I heard a bang "Shit i'll be there!" He said and hung up.

A few minutes later his car parked for me and I jumped in "To the oceans cliff! Hurry please" I instructed shakily. He drove quickly and once we were a few meters away from the entrance I jumped out the car "Kristina are you fucking crazy?!" He yelled "GO CALL HIS MUM" I yelled at him throwing my phone in the car; then ran to the cliff. There he was!

The wind blew through his hair as he stood on the edge each strand of hair waving in different directions.

"Goodbye my love" he whispered, im not letting you go if you think that's happening. So I ran to him before he ever let his body drift to the bottom on the cliff "If you go...I go" I state loudly, he turned to me shocked his eyes were red and if he was crying you couldn't tell it was raining too much.

"Kristina...please just don't come any closer!" He croaked, so I didn't I took a few steps away from him and stood on an edge "If. You. Go. I. go" I repeat, I took a step closer to the edge looking down, bad idea it made my head spin we were so high up, quite honestly I didnt know what made me say it it juts sorta happened. "Kris...take a step away from the edge GO AWAY" He yelled, but i just shook my head

"No! Im not letting you do this" I cry out "Imagine your mum how she would feel, your sister! Me" I shouted, he sighed then looked away down at the bottom of the cliff and that's when I took my chance you push him back. "Oof" He groaned as he fell on his back. I jumped on top of him "Listen to me! We can get through this together we are a team. Im not letting you do this..." I cry

" let me die so I can be happy or keep me here where im in so much pain! Which is worse?" He sobbed, trying to get out of my grip. "You can learn to make it better, it gets better Caleb" I whispered. He stopped moving and relaxed before he started crying. I sat us both up and hugged him "Im sorry Kristina im so so so sorry" he cried harder his grip getting tighter. I saw Jake run up to us and he just stared then started crying joining the hug. "Dude you fucking scared us shitless!" He muttered we all sat there holding each other. 

"Im sorry" Caleb mumbled again for the 100th time. Then a car pulled up, Kathrine

"Caleb!" She screamed running towards us but tripped in the process, Caleb got up and walked to her picking her up "Im sorry mum" He whispered, she looked down at him and hugged him tightly as she cried and cried. She looked like she was in so much pain. "My baby" She whimpered, this was probably one of the most difficult times of my life.

And I am so grateful he is okay....

Aweeee this was sad ; - ;  theres only a few chapters left

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