26~ The good and bad day

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So its been a week and a half since we saw the car which is a relief I wonder what they did... "OOF" I groaned and fell to the ground as someone shouldered me. I looked up to see Devon one of the populars. "Watch were your going fatass" He growled and continued walking off. Now I was used to freak and werdio but fatass? I couldn't help but look down at myself. No forget what he said hes and idiot. I grumbled and got up getting to class.

I had art first and I sat by Caleb who had his face in his arm. "Caleb...you okay?" He looked up at me with sad eyes and smiled Fake I thought "Yeah" He assured Lies I thought again

"What happened" I growled annoyed at who ever hurt him "Who hurt you, I'll freaking beat them to the pulp" I threaten he shook his head and held my hands

"Just feeling more sad than usual Kris...." He mumbled sadly, I nodded not knowing what to do. "Okay class today we are doing something different, im going to give you a canvas and paints and you are just going to do patterns whatever is in your mind" She explained a bit more and came around giving out the paints and canvases.

I heard Caleb yelp beside me and I turned to him and instantly started laughing. Somehow he managed to splatted grey paint on his face and on the canvas. "Good one, but that actually looks really cool on the canvas" He nodded in agreement. I ended up painting different tones of blue down the page till it turned black when I turned to see Calebs painting and my jaw dropped "Caleb that's fucking amazing!" I gushed

"Miss Harp! Language please" The teacher scowled, I mouthed a sorry to her and looked back at his painting. It had the colours black and different tones of grey splattered in different ways. A guy behind us coughed out freak so I turned around and glared "Shut up its amazing" I barked while the guy just scoffed

"Its emo freakish....you should just kill yourself both of you, I mean no one here would care" That's when I lost it I grabbed the neon pick paint and threw it at his face "You fucking dickhead I swear im going to kill you" I growled out jumping on him which caused us to both fall "KRISTINA!" I heard the teacher yell, I didnt listen though thats when Caleb came and pulled me off of the guy. "TO THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE NOW!" I heard who must have been the teacher scream, I shrugged and grabbed my things and gave Caleb an apologetic smile "Good freakish girl losing herself even more" The guy snickered wiping his face

"Does it look like I give two flying fucks? Well have fun looking like cotton candy" I smirked walking out the call to the principles office.


So I got the guy in trouble but still ended up with community service thing I didn't mind I was sticking up for myself and Caleb so its worth it. While I was walking to class I got shouldered a lot it was starting to piss me off. How could I just stand there while this was happening to other students? When Caleb spotted me he ran and gripped on my arm; pulling me to a empty class room. "What the hell where you thinking!?" He yelled, I was a bit taken aback he barely ever yells

"I was standing up for me and you" I mumbled shrinking back a little

"Who cares about it ignore it and you don't get in big trouble like you just did!" My face fell slightly and I started feeling weird...sad almost. "Your stupidity is going to get you kill someday I swear" He growled, more to himself though.

"What crawled up your ass and died" I muttered angrily but when he looked up at me my heart broke it was full of rage and anger. I felt tears starting to form, don't cry stupid! "He said you two fucked last week" He muttered in a huff, my eyes went wide "And you believed him?" I asked astonished

"No not really but it pisses me off, guys want you and I just want you to be mine only" He breathed out, he looked up at me "Im sorry I was...my minds all over the place but I want to ask you something important" He sighed standing in front of me. "Ask away" I breathed nervously, he paused for a second and looked around.

"So I set this up" He mumbled jogging up to a switch and flipped it causing little light bulbs to glow slightly in the room. I looked in awe "Woah..." I gawked

"I wanted to make it look nice for you...So Kristina we have been friends for a w-while...went on a few d-dates and you know I really like you and I know you really like me so...I was w-wondering...Will you be my girlfriend?" He stuttered, but my whole body froze. Kristina talk! Respond! "I-I y- uhhhh" His face fell and he nodded waving his hands "No I understand" He mumbled and my eyes widened

"N-no sorry you just shocked me. I would love to be your girlfriend" I beamed, he looked up with happiness and hugged me. "Now lets get back to class" I nodded in agreement and we walked to our next classes which aren't together.

Caleb's POV

I smiled the whole way I walked to my science class. I have a girlfriend....I have the best girlfriend in the world. I was about to enter the room when I was pulled back by someone, and that someone was Dominic Black one of the schools most popular guy or dick must i say. "Ah you know I think I need to teach you a lesson freak" I didn't say a word but I tried to pull away. It was no use he was ten time stronger than me anyway. He shoved me into a empty room and pushed me into a wall. I groaned in pain and crouched forward a bit.

"This is what you get for being alive worthless shit" He growled punching me in the stomach which caused me to fall to the ground "You creep everyone out!" he said and kicked my side "No one cares about you" kick "Kill yourself" kick "You. dont. deserve. anyone" He yelled kicking my leg which made me scream out in pain. He stopped for a second and came close to my face.

"I know your secret" He whispered, I really had no clue what he was talking about but I just hope its not the secret I think it is. "Your just a freak. Who. Cuts." He drawled out slowly my eyes went wide

"What are you talking about" I questioned hoping he was just making assumptions. He let out a dark evil laugh and gripped on my wrist making my hiss in pain "Im not blind, you cut yourself, i've seen your scars now there's a chance everyone will find out" He smirked standing back up and kicked my rib before he walked out the room.

Now I don't know how long I was in here for but sometime later the door burst open to reveal a worried looking Kristina "Caleb!" she yelled

"Im okay" I mumbled "Im okay..."

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