24~First date- part 1

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"Jake you're not helping!" I screech ripping the really short black dress from his hands and put it back in the wardrobe. He chuckled "im sorry but I think you would just look hot in this and im sure Caleb would like it as well" He winked and I felt the heat rush to my face. "Its meant to be casual your idiot" I laugh lightly, he nodded

"okay I will be more serious...you pick something and I will tell you if it looks good in my point of view" He said clapping his hands "Chop chop chop you have an hour" I ran into my wardrobe and looked through the clothes. After about 4 different clothes changes I finally found something I really liked. I put it on and walked out "How does this one look? I asked looking down at my outfit

I looked up at him and saw his eyes looking up and down my body, I shifted awkwardly "Well?" I asked again when his eyes reached mine he smiled widely "You look gorgeous!" I grinned and bowed. I ran to the bathroom and started brushing my hair "Wow times goes past fast twenty minutes" The butterflies returned to me stomach and I bit my lip. Okay, okay, okay I need to calm down "Make up or not?" I asked opening the drawer with my make up, I rarely ever wear it.

"Hm...you don't need it, your beauty is stunning without it!" He said dramatically "OOOO wait wait this is for your eyes? Wear it!" I chuckled and grabbed the eye liner and started to put it on "KRISY DON'T GET IT IN YOUR EYE!" He screamed which caused me to jump "Dude! Shut up" I yelled and finished putting it on

"Krisy I must say you look fucking amazing" He beamed clapping his hands. We talked a bit then the doorbell rang which caused me to squeal. I ran to the door but before I opened it I fixed my hair and took in 3 deep breaths, then I opened it. "Hey....you look beautiful" Caleb said shyly, I looked him up and down, he was wearing black jeans dark grey button up shirt. "So do you....Wait! no I didn't mean beautiful I uh wait" I rambled while Caleb chuckled putting a hand to cover my mouth.

"I know what you meant" He smiled, I could tell it was a little forced. He grabbed my hand and we walked out there was a car I didn't know he had a car. "Have fun kids! Don't stay out until to late! Don't have sex in the back seat! If you do....PLEASE USE PROTECTION" Jake yelled from the door, I turned my head to him and glared as my cheeks turned red. We got in the car and stayed silent for a few seconds "I didn't know you had your driver's licence..." I said clearly shocked. Caleb's lips twitch into a grin

"I don't" He said confidently, my eyes widened in shock; he started the car and drove off

"Then why are you driving!" I yelled, he chuckled lightly

"To take you on a date, and don't ask where we are going because im not gonna tell you" He added, I shut my mouth and laughed lightly. I leaned forward and turned on the radio, the song 'Hey there Delilah' came on and I smiled and sang along with it "Hey there Delilah whats it like in New York city, you're a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty" I sang quietly

"Oh its what you do to me...oh its what you do to me" He sang after me, I glanced over at him and smiled happily. He stopped at a red light and looked over at me "What?"

"Nothing....I just love your voice" He looked away with his cheeks turning red. We stopped on the side of the road and he made me put a blind fold on "Seriously? Its dark im barely going to see anything" I heard him laugh and help me out the car. Only the sounds on foot steps and crickets filled my ears.

"Okay now sit down" Caleb whispered, I listened to him and sat down on what felt like a wooden ground. I felt his hands untying the blind fold and I looked around with a gasp. We were on a small pier with a lake, trees surrounded the area, candles lit and even fireflies out! Freaking fireflies! "Its beautiful..." I whispered he smiled looking at me "Just like you" He mumbled and grabbed a bowl and placed it between us "After this we go to mine and have a movie marathon...I mean if that's okay with you" I was about to squeal stay calm Kristina, stay COOL

"Y-yeah that would be coosome wait no I mean awesome or cool uh which ever floats your boat" I mentally slapped myself for the huge mess up I just said but it earned a small chuckle from Caleb, I looked down at the bowl and it had chocolate coated strawberries. I clapped my hands excitedly and quickly grabbed one then eating it. We sat there for around 15 minutes just talking and eating the delicious strawberries.

"You know how the school dance is coming up" He asked casually eating a strawberry, I felt my heart beat pick up and I nodded scared of what my voice would sound like "I don't think I can go I'll get really..uh anxious so I decided to bring the dance to you tonight" He said nervously, I couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit disappointed that he wouldn't go but I have to understand him from his perspective then I remembered he said he would bring it to me tonight "Wait what?! Im not even wearing good clothes, or even a dress" I said feeling a bit self-conscious. He came back with a laptop. "You still look beautiful" He smiled placing his laptop on the ground playing a song.

I knew the song it was called iris by goo goo dolls, Caleb walked up to me placed his hands on my hips while I wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed side to side slowly "Your eyes hold the galaxy, you voice holds the heavens and your beauty cannot be compared to anything" He mumbled quietly and my cheeks grew incredibly hot so I hid my face in his chest and we just stood their holding each other. We danced to a few songs and it was so amazing.

I leaned back slightly and looking up at him and he looked back. "You make me feel myself..." I whispered

"And you" He started; pushing a strand of hair behind my ear "Make me feel alive" He finished looking back into my eyes. My gaze dropped to his lips, dammit all I want to do is just kiss him but I don't want to come off desperate. I looked back up at him and he leaned in a little bit so I copied and leaned in, then both of us shutting our eyes. I soon felt his lips press on mine gently and we kissed, my knees felt weak and the butterflies once again started to go nuts in my stomach. Soon he started to get a bit into it and he pulled me closer to him, his teeth grazed on my bottom lip before he bit it and tugged on it lightly which caused me to let out a small moan, just that move made my cheeks heat up crazily and we pulled away even he was blushing!

"S-so want to head over to my house now?" He stutter shyly

"Yeah lets do that" I smiled

Otayy gotta end it here for today other wise it will be really long, part 2 will be up soooon

Save himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें