School Reunion-6

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As soon that woman called my name,I knew I was done for.

"Kiyotaka,do you know her?"Hirata asked with concern.

Murmurs erupted everywhere.Before I could say anything,the other girl came running towards me and hugged me,


She exclaimed happily.This was it.All my preparations were for naught.This was NOT within the realms of my expectations.


Everyone exclaimed.

"Hey ayanokoji,you had such a cute younger sister,you never told us about?"

"Then wait a minute,is that your-"

"MOM!?"Everyone said unanimously.

Well,the cat's out of the bag.There was no use hiding it anymore.

"Hey,isn't that the girl who helped me pass the written test in our second year?"Sudo pointed out.

On closer inspection,Horikita said,

"Amasawa Ichika?"

She tried to keep her personality calm and collected but she was clearly shocked.

"Hello,Horikita-senpai!Oh,have you still not started dating Sudo-kun.Such a shame."She said teasingly.

Both of them blushed hard.

She then turned towards everyone else and bowed gracefully,

"Hello everyone,I am Ayanokoji Ichika,sister of Ayanokoji Kiyotaka and this is our mother,Ayanokoji Hina.Nice to meet you all."

No one could gulp down so many plot twists except Kei and Me of course.

"Onii-sama,where is my sister-in-law?Don't tell me you came by yourself to this party.I will not forgive you if you ever treat her like that.Now where is she?!"

She broke the ice.Everyone went nuts.

"As in his wife?!!"


"Don't you mean brother-in-law?!!"

"Oi,Oi,Kiyotaka WHO is your wife?"

"Yeah,where is she?!"

"Don't you mean HE?!!

Hell had broken loose.I felt a cold shiver down my spine.

My mother was calmly observing and searching for someone.I knew exactly who.Suddenly,a bright smile formed on her face.

"Kei-chan!Won't you hug your okaa-san(mother as in mother-in-law)?C'mon don't be shy.We are family!"

Everyone suddenly was quiet.After several moments passed,

"Umm..Isn't kiyotaka-kun ..g-gay?"Sato asked inquisitively as well as nervously.


My sister burst out laughing.My mother also giggled.

"Onii-sama,you do tell your friends amusing things,don't you?"She was laughing so hard till her whole face became red.

Everyone stood there as it is.If this was the plot of some novel,the readers would definitely love it!

Everyone had lost all their sensibility today.They were getting shocks on shocks.I just stood there motionless.All my plans had failed for today.

"Hey Ayanokoji,why are they calling you gay?"Sudo who had joined late didn't seem to catch up with what's going on.

"Forget it.It's all useless now"I replied in a hopeless tone.

I looked at my mom with eyes that conveyed,

'Help me mom!You know I suck at such situations.HELP!'

First she dismissed the bodyguards which were intimidating my friends.

Then,she entered our group.Like Kushida,she had the ability to talk to anyone and everyone without invading their personal space.

Well,thinking about it,Kushida had still not arrived for the party.

Then she brought on a cheerful smile,

"Hello everyone!!I know everyone is full of questions but first I would like to thank all of you for being friends with my useless son.I hope he didn't trouble you guys so much."

Oi,oi now that's going too far.Well yeah I am socially awkward,I couldn't make a single friend by myself unless someone approached me and ,yes, I mostly produced average scores during my high school and in special exams ,I mostly operated behind the scenes so in their eyes(for most of them),yeah,I was pretty much useless.

"Now,just standing here won't get us anywhere.So lets head to the restaurant,fill our bellies and enjoy to the fullest first!I would like to know each and everyone one of you and we can answer all the questions later."My mom said excitedly.

"Yeah,Let's go."

"Sounds fun.Let's go everyone!"

Ichinose and Hirata came to my rescue.Ahh,my guardian angels!

Everyone went back to normal.

And so all of us accomodated ourselves in the  3 spacious lifts and left for the restaurant.

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