Chapter 17

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"Sorry I took so long there was some mistake in the order .... Woah Harry um why are you shirtless?"

"Oh I am sorry I was thinking some wine with Chinese would be good and well"

I looked in the direction where he was pointing
oh no no no mom's favourite white carpet is now red she will be so upset ... and disappointed wait a minute actually I am glad ... suddenly I feel Harry is standing completely shirtless right in front of me

"Um Harry why don't you go and wear another shirt till then I get some wine and open these containers"

"No it's fine ur shirts are a little tight also I prefer staying shirtless if you don't mind let's go and have dinner I am too sleepy already"

"Oh no I have no problem.." before I could continue my eyes started following his smooth back ... what type of games are you planning with me god

—————————Next Morning —————————-

I woke up with the smell of pancakes... wait pancakes who is cooking pancakes at this time. I jump out of bed and run down to see Harry shirtless as usual with earphones on listening to music and making pancakes

"Harry!!! Why are you up so early and making pancakes?"

"Stop shouting Malik.... well for your information it's 10 a.m so I am not up early .... it's Sunday and I normally make pancakes on Sunday"

Grunting I sit on the counter with my head down .... soon a plate is pushed towards me , I look up to see Harry already eating pancakes like an adorable kid .

The rest of the day went pretty usual ... we didn't study much and spent most of the time playing video games and watching movies because who studies on Sunday anyways .

Soon Sunday was over and Harry was leaving just then . Harry went in for a hug , I was so shocked ... suddenly I felt this weird feeling in my stomach and knew my face was heating up ... in that moment I realised ...I need to stay far away from Harry Styles.

Hey guys I am so sorry the chapter ain't that long and I didn't update for 2 months straight .... I will try to post more I promise
Hope you all like this part☺️
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