Chapter 20

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Harry's P.O.V

It's been a week since that lunchroom incident and Zayn has gone missing .... well not technically missing, apparently he has got some sort of flu. I remember Niall calling me on Monday around midnight to tell me about what happened at Liam's place earlier. I was so scared maybe Zayn isn't happy about us sitting with him. Well, the only way to find that out is by talking to him. So now I am standing outside his house thinking how to start the conversation and waiting for someone to open this damn door since past an hour
You know what I'll just call him

"Hello? Zayn Malik open the damn door"
"Harry it's Saturday no school go home"
"Yes I know we don't have school today just open the door will you"

Soon the door is opened and Zayn there with his eyes still half-closed. God when he is sleepy he looks like an adorable five-year-old

"Harry, why are you here so early?"
"I have my reasons now tell me why wasn't anyone opening the door."
"Well first it's Saturday so only a few workers come and second cause it's 7 am you doofus"
"Wait it's 7 am that's kinda early"
"Kind of early? Harry Styles, I don't know what time you sleep but I sleep around this time during weekends so you practically destroyed my sleep"
"Ok ok calm down there Malik. Also, you getting angry will spoil your sleep right? Why don't we do one thing you go up to your room and sleep and I will go and sleep in the guest room sounds good?"

He just turned and walked off with a small nod. Walking up to my guest room I realised that I have become so comfortable around this house, which honestly is amazing and weird at the same time.

*Next Morning*

"You finally up? Did you sleep well Styles?"
"Yup like a log. Sorry I disturbed your sleep earlier"
"Oh that's cool, now tell me why did you come so early? Did your mom throw you out or something?"
"What no I am a good kid Malik. Just was bored and the sun had come out so ?"

Ok now this is a lie I knew it's 7 am I just was so scared about Zayn and the reason he distanced his self I couldn't sleep

"So the sun came out and you came out of the house. Don't you have something that's called a clock at your place mate?" He said pointing at the clock that's hanging on the wall behind me
"Ok I didn't check the time I am sorry"

So after a 'are you serious face, an eye roll and a facepalm' he went back to making pancakes
God lying to him is practically impossible. Slowly I walk towards the kitchen counter and sit on one of the barstools waiting for some food.

"So any plans for today because I am bored"
"Um, I don't think so? Why?"
"Well if that flu of yours is gone we can go out and hang around. Some fresh air and sunlight is necessary for your body you just got well"
"That sounds good but isn't our exams coming close and don't you want to study"

God, what's up with him and his studies? everyone in school calls him the one who is never attending lectures or giving a damn about exams. Suddenly I just got up and walked towards him, he was still busy making those pancakes. I stop in front of his back and making sure am close to his neck

"Why so much of studies Zayn, let's go out please."

As soon as those words came out Zayn turned around instantly our face too close than commonly accepted by any two friends. That's when I realised what I just did and walked backed to the counter, hoping he wouldn't ask what happened right now

"Sorry didn't want to scare you, so we going?"

"Ya sure, you know what I need to take a bath why don't you have these pancakes and we will leave in an hour ok? bye"

Before I could stop him he just ran up and slammed the door, way to go Harry.

Zayn's P.O.V

Ok, what the hell just happened. I guess he just wanted to take a pancake that's why he was so close. Yes, that's it nothing more now get ready Zayn or that weirdo has the potential of jumping into your shower just so that you speed up.

*Two Hours Later*

"Harry come on we are an hour late and I still don't know this place you want to go"
"Coming coming sorry I dozed off"
"And that's why you aren't driving... tell me where we are going I am going to drive."
"Wait no this was my idea so I will drive now come on let's go before I have to drag you we are already late and we both know it's your fault."

Honestly I wanted to protest but he was long gone and siting in the drivers seat waiting for me. Also arguing with him is useless. He always ends up getting things done his way.

"Harry when you said that you discovered someplace you meant the park? I mean I am aware that you are new in town and the park is some sort of discovery too, but it's not a huge discovery."
"Oh shut up Zayn obviously the park isn't something one calls a discovery just follow me be careful the road gets a little bad"

Slowly I follow him he wasn't lying when he said that road will be bad.

"Yo Harry slow down are you planning to kill me or something I don't think anyone has gone this deep into the park, also see I am not interested to buy any drugs or anything"
"God Zayn shut up just come fast we almost there now"

Before I could protest Harry just took my hand and that shut me up, suddenly I felt like I can't speak

"Alright we are here now we need to climb down just trust me ok, you will love this place."

Honestly, it was very creepy but as soon as we reached down, the view was amazing. There is a small bed in the corner, a table in the middle and some bean bags. Woah did he actually set this place up or something?

"Wow did you set this whole place or is it someone else's place and you are just crashing here from time to time? also, how did you find this place"

"Well remember when I came here my life was so miserable. Then one day I get a call from Louis and he breaks up with me and then I realised Matt was behind all this. Remember one week I didn't come to school, every day in the morning I would go to Niall's place. The very first afternoon I kind of had a bad dream and wanted to go out for some air, so I went to the park I started strolling a little deeper and got lost. Then I found this place, now whenever I feel like not staying in my house I come here. The  table and bed where here already, don't worry I have changed the sheets and all it's clean. These 2 bean are mine I got them down here ."

"Woah one second you have spent nights here. Harry this place isn't safe, see mate I don't know why you feel like not staying at your house but whenever that happens you come over to my place the guest room which is beside my room is practically yours now. You know you can even keep some spare clothes in my closet. Just you can't stay here at night and that's final"

After that discussion, we started talking about just basic kinds of stuff. I just realised Harry Styles isn't all bad and well I guess I am glad to be close to him. We talked the whole afternoon, it was almost evening when Harry jumped up from his bean bag and pulled me with him

"Come on we need to walk somewhere deeper I need to show you something"

After a long 10-minute walk and me complaining of how even though I have lived here all my life I have never seen these spots, we reach in front of a very beautiful lake. The sun was about to set and that made the water shine like gold even though the scene was pretty, the water terrified me I guess Harry realised that uneasiness and came closer to hold my hand. That was the first time I didn't mind holding his hand, instead I was craving for it. The warmth of his hand gave me a type of peace I was longing for...


I hope you guys like the new part
If you do please like it❤️

Hope you all fine


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