Chapter 29

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Author's Note: I know they are normally at the end but well this is more of a thank you note.

While updating this chapter. I realised the book is at #6 in zarrystalik. I have no words. I am so happy, thanks to everyone who is reading this story.

A special thank you to aurora_writeS_  I can not thank you enough for always being my number one supporter, my love.

Let's get back to the chapter now 😋


After school, Zayn managed to find a way to meet with Liam before going to the library. They walked to their hidden spot—a secluded corner of the school courtyard, away from all the chaos.

As Zayn settled onto the bench, Liam, sensed that this was something important.

Taking a deep breath, Zayn began to speak, choosing his words carefully. "Liam, something kind of... unexpected happened last night," he started, not wanting to reveal the painful part of the night.

Liam's concern was evident as he leaned in, his eyes locked onto Zayn's.

"What happened, Zayn? You can tell me anything."

Zayn continued, "I ran into Ryan. We've begun talking and, well, we're trying to work things out again."

He emphasized the part about trying to work things out, careful not to mention the pain and fights.

"Zayn, are you out of your mind?" Liam's voice carried a note of anger and disappointment.

"You can't seriously be considering going back to that toxic mess of a relationship. You remember how it was, right? The constant fights, the emotional rollercoaster—it was a nightmare!"

Zayn winced at Liam's words. He knew that Liam was right, but a part of him was still holding onto the hope that things could be different this time.

"Liam, I know it was bad," Zayn admitted, his voice strained. "But people change, right? Maybe Ryan's different now. Maybe we can make it work."

Liam's frustration boiled over as he leaned closer, his tone stern and unwavering. "Zayn, people like Ryan don't change overnight. And you're letting yourself be manipulated again! You're better than this, and you deserve better than this."

Zayn felt a knot tighten in his stomach, torn between his feelings for Ryan and the concern he could see in Liam's eyes.

Liam's frustration got even more when Zayn didn't say anything, His voice took on a dry tone, "Zayn, do you remember the harshness? The insults and belittling that became a part of your daily life? The constant fear that you lived with, look at me Zayn, remember the first time Ryan slapped you? The time he forced himself on you and then promised he'd never do it again?"

Zayn's face paled as those painful memories resurfaced.

"Yeah, I remember," Zayn admitted, his voice trembling. "But I thought things might be different now. People can change, right?"

Liam shook his head, his anger and concern not waning. "Zayn, you can't ignore the fact that the physical abuse became a routine with him. He broke promises, over and over again. You can't just sweep that under the rug and hope for the best."

Zayn's face was a mix of fear and desperation. He knew Liam was right, but he didn't want to confront the painful memories. "Liam, please," he protested weakly, "I just... I'm desperate to fix things and finally be happy."

Liam's gaze softened with understanding. "Zayn, you deserve love, but not from someone who will hurt you. You have to love yourself enough to walk away from this toxic cycle. Ryan is not the answer."

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