Chapter 6

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As soon as I reached home I start packing some clothes . I need to go to Doncaster and find out why is Louis ignoring me . I asked Matt but he said Louis is even ignoring him since Monday . I have tried calling, messaging everything hell I even sent him a mail everyday but I didn't get any response ... I just hope he is fine  Louis would never suddenly just ignore me .  I was just looking outside my window thinking where did I go wrong
When I get a notification that the cab I booked has arrived hastily I take a look around my room  and leave I hope Louis has a good reason for making this week a hell trip for me .

Oh God there was so much of traffic finally I am standing outside his door but I am so nervous what if breaks up with me I just don't want to loose him... Slowly I ring  the doorbell but there is no answer . It's 9pm why is no one home. I ring the bell some more times but no one is opening . I start looking for the key they put under the flower pot but there is no key . I bang on the door screaming Louis name . "He won't open the door mate"
(Shaw Mendes is Matt in this book)
Turning around I see Matt my childhood best friend I just run and hug him . All my emotions start flowing I cried for about 15minutes I guess. Matt and I have always been there for eachother . He is my back bone and my partner in crime. I had called him when I left from Bradford he was so happy I was coming .
"Matt what did I do why does he hate me suddenly"
"No Harry you haven't done anything he is behaving like this with everyone come on let's go home"
I nod I really missed Matt and his place was like my home . He lost his parents at a young age and stays with his elder sister . She treats me like her younger brother . I have spent my whole childhood there it's just few houses before my old home.

I tried going to Louis place again on Saturday . I stayed there till evening but no response later Matt came and took me home . It's Sunday  and again I am sitting outside his house it's noon and it's kinda very hot . I was just on my phone when I see Matt coming towards me I tried getting up but I stumble on my own leg and fell , luckily Matt holds me up .
"Ok Harry that's enough he doesn't care let's leave now"
"No it's fine I just stumbled on my dumb long legs"
"No Harry this was heat stroke it's very hot and you are completely dehydrated we are going home now!"
I wanted to fight back but I had no strength left so I just walked into his backseat and went off to sleep

This is was the most amazing weekend . I spent the whole weekend at Liam's place his mom made some amazing meals specially for me . She loves me and I am kind of her favourite son . Even though it was an amazing weekend that curly lad  doesn't leave my mind . I don't know why but seeing him crying and all I just wanted to go and hug him , and which is scary because I rarely like physical contact with people . It's  Monday and I am trying to break into my room without making much noise . I really am not interested to interact with The Maliks at all . As soon I get into my bedroom I take what I need and leave my room . "Look who decided to leave the room" it's no shock that my so called dad doesn't know that I wasn't at home this whole weekend "Are you going to say something Zayn?"Oh god not rightnow . I was going to snap back when I hear a honk I am sure that is Liam . Well I wasn't in mood of talking anyways so I just give him a blunt smile and leave . I could hear him scream how mannerless I have become , shaking my head I get into Liam's car . He gives me coffee that he got on the way over .
The ride was silent and I mean in a good and calming way . Liam didn't say much and I was happy , going to school meant seeing the curly lad and I hope this time if I see him he is all smiling and sassy. I guess I can handle that over a red puffy face.
As soon as we reached Andy came and dragged Liam with him ok seriously what's his obsession with Liam . I just shrugged and started going towards the restroom . When I entered I saw the curly lad . He was just looking at himself in the mirror . I decided to ask him if he was fine .
"What are you staring at dude?"
"Um n-nothing just I just well I just wanted to you know like ask you if you were fine"
What's wrong with me why I am acting so nervous around him
"Why do you care ? Do your business and leave"
Ok that was harsh I wanted to say something but my eyes went on his wrist and it was bleeding like a lot
"What the fuck you cut yourself shit put your hand underwater"
As I was grabbing his hand he was pulling it away seriously now is not the time
"Shut up and stop fighting I ain't gonna leave so stop wasting your energy"
Suddenly he just stood still and let me clean his wrist . I saw there were more cuts they looked fresh as if he did it yesterday or so .
I looked up and he looked so small and embarrassed . I just quietly wrapped some tissues . I wanted to ask why was he doing this but before I could say something the door opened and I heard Liam's voice
"I thought I will find you here I think skipping the first class on first day ain't...... Woah is everything fine here"
I don't know what happened but I just got up and pulled Liam with me out of the restroom .
"Hey what was that and slow down I will fall"
"We are skipping school I don't want to stay here today"
Liam just followed quietly I guess he realised the reason behind my behaviour
As soon as we got in the car I drove us to our peaceful place . Its a small mountain whenever any one of us is upset we come here . We just sit there taking in the surrounding after sometime Liam tells me about all the drama Andy and Ed did this weekend ,sitting there talking to Liam I felt kind of safe . Suddenly Liam just pulled me close and I just cuddled into him. Liam knows me he is my safe place . I am so happy I have him in my life... I have seen some really bad times  and I feel like Harry is going through something really messy . I don't like his harshness but I can't see him go in the hole where I was  once stuck
Liam helped me out of the hole and I will make sure I help Harry

So here is the sixth chapter I am so slow I don't know why so sorry for that .
I hope you guys like this chapter ❤️❤️❤️.


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