Chapter 34

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Trigger Warning - use of verbal and physical abuse 

Ryan had been cold and distant since he came back, and Zayn could sense the fear creep in. The way that Ryan's mouth was pinched in a tight line the whole time in the car, the way he marched into the apartment with quick, short strides, Zayn knew that there was trouble. Ryan's silences were always the most deafening. The sound of his heartbeat felt too loud in the silence of the room.

Zayn wanted to reach out to Ryan, to pull him close and try to make him feel better, but he knew it was useless. Nothing ever seemed to be able to calm Ryan's anger. So instead, Zayn just stood there, silently.

Suddenly, Zayn's phone rang. He reached for it, but before he could answer, Ryan snatched the phone from his hand. Zayn watched as Ryan's face changed looking at Harry's name, a flash of annoyance crossed his face. Without a word, Ryan forcefully ended the call and slammed the phone down on the table, making Zayn jump in fear. Zayn's heart pounded in his chest as he watched Ryan. Slowly, he took a step back, knowing that he needed to give Ryan some space.

Ryan's breathing was heavy as he stared at Zayn. The accusations from Louis about Zayn's closeness with Harry still running fresh in the back of mind.

Without warning, Ryan lunged forward, grabbing Zayn by the collar of his shirt and pulling him in close. Zayn's heart raced as he felt Ryan's hot breath on his face.

"You think you can just do whatever you want and I'll be okay with it?"

Zayn's mind went blank as Ryan's words echoed in his ear. He tried to push Ryan back, but Ryan's grip was too strong.

"Ryan, please let go," Zayn begged, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ryan tightened his grip on Zayn's collar, his eyes burning with rage. "You're mine, Zayn. Mine. And I won't let anyone take you away from me."

"Ryan, listen to me," Zayn said, his voice firm and steady. "I love you, and only you. Harry is just a friend. Nothing more."

"I'm not going to let anyone take you away from me," Ryan snarled, his voice full of venom. "You're mine."

Zayn felt tears welling up in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He tried to remain calm as he looked into Ryan's face, trying to make him see reason. "Ryan," he said firmly. "Listen to me. No one is taking me away from you. I love you, and only you."

But Ryan wasn't listening anymore. His mind was clouded with anger. Suddenly he pushed Zayn hard against the wall making Zayn gasp for breath.

"You think this is okay? You think I should be fine with seeing your face light up every time Harry calls?"

He jerked Zayn forward by the collar so that their faces were only inches apart. "Don't lie to me ever again," he growled before finally releasing his grip on Zayn's shirt and going up to their room.


Zayn stayed in the living room for hours, not wanting to go upstairs and face Ryan. He knew that Ryan was angry but he had no idea what he would do next. As the hours passed, Zayn heard the sound of shuffling feet coming from upstairs, followed by the slamming of a door.

Suddenly, Ryan appeared in front of him. His eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelled of liquor and cigarettes. Ryan glared at Zayn, his voice thick with rage. "So you're still here, didn't run into your lover's arm?" he spat out. He grabbed Zayn by the arm and dragged him up to their bedroom, pushing him down onto the bed before pacing around the room.

"What do you have to say for yourself, huh?" Ryan seethed as he came to a stop in front of Zayn. He grabbed a handful of Zayn's shirt collar and shook him hard, causing Zayn to gasp in pain. "You think I'm stupid? You think I don't know what's going on between you and Harry?"

Zayn tried to protest but before he could get a word out, Ryan slapped him across the face with enough force to make him shut up. Tears prickled his eyes as he looked up at Ryan.

Ryan's fists clenched Zayn's hair. "Answer me!" he shouted as tears streamed down Zayn's face.

"Tell me why I shouldn't be angry! Tell me why I should trust you!"

Zayn closed his eyes tightly as hot tears rolled down his cheeks. He could feel Ryan's grip on his hair tighten.

"Answer me!" Ryan shouted again

After what felt like an eternity, he opened them again and spoke in a soft but sure voice: "Because I love you...only you."

Ryan yanked Zayn up from the bed by his hair and threw him onto the mattress. He began to press himself against Zayn. Ripping off pieces of clothing as he went along. Ryan kissed Zayn roughly, wanting to mark him as his own.

Suddenly Ryan sat up on the bed and pushed Zayn onto his knees before straddling him. He grabbed Zayn's wrists in one hand and pinned them over his head as he looked into Zayn's eyes with a smirk.

"You like this don't you?" He whispered as he leaned forward to kiss Zayn deeply.

Zayn felt himself gradually giving in when Ryan forced his member into his mouth, pulling back quickly and then thrusting forward again. He moaned in pleasure as Zayn choked back tears and tried to stay still and accept the pleasure Ryan was taking from him. He could feel Ryan getting closer to his climax, as he continued to push harder and faster into Zayn's mouth.

Suddenly, Ryan pulled out of him and shoved Zayn against the wall getting on top of him and pushing himself inside him with a force that made him gasp out loud. Pain shot through him for a few moments before his body slowly adjusted to the sensation, allowing him to enjoy the pleasure that came along with it even though tears streamed down his face from the pain inflicted.

When they were both done, Ryan looked into Zayn's eyes with a smirk. "You're mine," he said in a low voice. "And you're going to stay that way." He leaned down and pressed his lips against Zayn's own, dominating the kiss until they were both breathless.

Ryan pushed himself off of Zayn and stood up from the bed. He adjusted his clothes and gave Zayn one final look before walking out of the room without saying another word, leaving a silent Zayn alone in the darkness of their shared room once again.


Hey guys, I need to be honest the next chapters might be a little slow but i will try to complete this book as soon as possible. 

Hope you all like this chapter<3

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