thirteen. ✔

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I stand in one of the many bathrooms in the brand-new hotel downtown. I told Wraith I needed to use the restroom when I really just needed a minute. I had wimped out at Wraith's. I should have just said it there, now I'd have to wait till after the rehearsal dinner.

I stare at myself in the mirror, realizing I am starting to really hate the color white. My curls had fallen into soft waves as I pushed it all behind my shoulders. My makeup is light, letting the mascara framing my dark blue eyes and the pale pink lipstick I wore steal the show. My dress has a boat neckline with no sleeves, the fabric is crape and clings to my shape nicely. The back is low, ending just above my tailbone. Delicate buttons cover the zipper down the skirt that falls just above my knees. My shoes were a gift from Wraith, they are some designer, a white strappy heel with organza on the back of my ankle that looks somewhere between butterfly wings and a bow. They are beautiful and I don't even begin to think what he paid for them.

The longer I stare at my dress, the more I almost wish my wedding gown was a longer version. This is me. This dress is who I am. The girly lace princess dress was a girl's dream. I don't know if Alex would have even worn something like that if she was alive today. I don't know what I was thinking.

"Scarlett?" my sister voice is quickly followed by her materializing in front of me. She's wearing a pale pink sundress; her own blonde hair has a slight bend in it with a piece tucked behind her ear.

"Hey," I murmur.

Her face is soft, empathic. "Everyone's here," she tells me. "Except a groomsman?" she scrunches her nose, a bit baffled.

"It's a long story," I inhale. "I'll be out in a minute."

Caroline presses her lips together. "I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record," she sighs. "But you don't have to do this. I will make the biggest scene and we will walk right out of here."

A sobbing-giggle escapes from my lips. "I love you."

My big sister grins back at me. "Just say the word," she winks. "But now I'll forever hold my peace. I'll stall a little longer," she holds her palm out to take my purse, which I hand to her.

"Just a minute," I promise again as Caroline nods and slips back out the way she came.

Maybe I should find it annoying that Caroline is continuing to question my decision, but somehow, it's comforting. It's like she cares about my happiness more than I do.

I tuck a stray hair behind my ear and take a few long deep breaths. I straighten my skirt twice before I manage to will myself out of the restroom. I am staring at the floor as I step into the hall of the hotel, at the end of it is the ballroom where the reception will be. The ballroom has a foldable glass wall that connects to a covered garden where the ceremony would take place.

I take maybe five steps when a pair of black leather shoes invade my vision on the gray tile. I follow them up to the black dress pants and finally the white button-up he left the top loose, but did cuff the wrists. His hair is brushed back with his hands in his pockets.


His face is hard, opposed if he should even be here. "I figured if you changed your mind, you could throw me out," he murmurs, his lips curving a little.

"You're still going to give me away?" I whisper. When I asked Cole to be the one to walk me down the aisle, it seemed like the logical thing to do. Now, it seems... 

"If you wish," the words gently leave his mouth.

"Let's just try," I shrug. "If it feels weird..."

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