Ch.2 Meeting Luke

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The first half of school day went by relatively fast. It's all the same teachers have that bullshit speach. It's what they expect from you, what you'll be doing all year, and what to bring. Grace and Em both have the same 1st period as me. Second I have with Em, then third is with Grace. Then 4th period is with Jared not that it matters he will just ignore me. Then lunch, thank god for that too.

I walk out of my fourth period to my locker. I walk by people I've known for years, and say hi. Some of them stop me to talk. It's the usual how was you're summer? After I finally make it to my locker, I put my stuff in there and wait for the girls. They both come walking down the hall laughing. They see me and I walk to them.
"Hey guys." I say
"Hey girly." Em says
"Let's go to lunch I'm starving." Grace says holding her stomach, acting if she hasn't eaten in days.

We walk out towards the lunch room it's filled with chatter. We go to stand in the lunch line. Oh what do the have I hope it's not mystery meet that shit is so.. OH MY GOSH YAY! They have pizza today. I grab two slices cause I love pizza, and I'm hungry. As I reach for a soda someone bumps into me. This makes me drop my pizza's on the floor.

The guy quickly turns around.
"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I..." He stops mid sentence, as soon as he see's my face. He says something that makes a shiver go down my body.
"MINE." He growls.
Wait did he just growl? I give him a weird look because I don't understand what the fuck he's talking about. His friends are standing around with huge smiles while he stares at me. I look at him he is very hot! Like dam is he a model. He has short spiked hair, with amazing blue eyes. I can see his muscles bulging out of his white v-neck. It makes me want to lick his abs.

He catches me staring and where's a smirk. I finally snap out of it and get really angry.
"Excuse me?!" I ask.
"Your's I'm not your's. I don't even know you. And you made me drop my pizza's!!" I yell.
He just smirks at me again
"Oh, you are mine kitten, and don't worry about you pizza's I'll buy you more." He says. I glare at him.
"I'm not your's actually, and don't call me kitten. My name is Sam got it good." I say

I quickly leave him, and get more pizza. I quickly buy my food and turn around to face my friends. They have their mouths hanging open.
  "What?" I ask
"Were you just talking to Luke?" Grace gasps. Having this astonished look on her face.

"The jerk who knocked the pizza's out of my hand? Yeah I guess if that's his name." I reply with a fake disgusted look on my face.
  "If by jerk you mean sexy as hell muscle man over there, yes Sam that is who we're talking about." Em says.
  "Yeah I guess he's ok looking." I lie.
   "Whatever you say." Em smiles "Mr. sexy is still looking at you." she smirks at me well looking towards Luke.

  I turn around and sure enough that sexy jerk is looking at me. He is sitting down at a table with his friends, starting at me. I quickly turn around and we go sit at our usual table. As I'm about to take a bite of my pizza when Jared walks up.
  "Did I just see you talking to Luke?" Jared questions with raised eyebrow. How the hell does everybody know this guy. Damn.
  "Umm.. yeah I guess why?" Giving him the same look.

"Just wondering. But Sammy.." He says sitting down next to me.
  "Please be careful around him I've heard things." He says it with a concerned look. I know he's worried cause he used my childhood nickname he gave me. He NEVER uses it anymore. I look at him for a second and understand he's I'm you're brother protective mode right now.

  " Ok Jared I'll be careful promise." I tell him so he won't worry.
  "Thanks sis. See you at home." He gives me a hug. Them he's gone. he doesn't always act like that, but every once in awhile he will. I know he's protective of me because in his way it's showing me he cares.

  "Oh my god. You're brother is so hot!" Em says Looking at Jared's butt.
   "Eww Em gross." I say with a disgusted look. Grace just laughs at us.
  "Well sorry but he is. Anyway if you haven't noticed Mr.Sexy is pissed, that you hugged Jared." Em says.
I look and two of his friends are holding him back from going to Jared's table. He looks hot when he's pissed. He catches me looking and, it looks like he instantly calms down. he leaves the cafeteria.

I sit there and think about Luke, while Grace and Em talk. He is super attractive. He surprisingly really turns me on. I continue to think about him, his lips and how they would feel on my body. Then images flash threw my head. Of him pushing me up against the wall. His hands on me, and him kissing my neck. The bell rings and it pulls me out of my thoughts.

I go throw my trash and Em says bye so she can make it to her next class. Grace and I make our way to fifth period. We talk nonsense until we sit down. A couple of minutes later Luke comes in and looks at me instantly.  Wow it just got hotter in here. He gives me a smile. He and his friend take the seat behind me and Grace. By the look he gives me, I can tell it's going to be an interesting class.

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