Ch.7 Girlfriend?

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Damn I have to go to school today, I'm so tired. That's my fault though, should have just told Luke that I needed to go home. Oh maybe I can take a little nap when I get home, yay.

I start getting ready for school, I feel like it's gonna be a good day. Getting ready I zone out a few times cause I'm so tired before I know it I have 5 minutes then Em will be here to pick me up. I quickly put on my converse and quietly walk out the door.

She's not here yet so I sit down on the sidewalk and think about my mom, I miss her so much, I wish I could have one last conversation with her. A horn pulls me out of my thoughts.
"Hey there sexy, need a ride?" Me says laughing
" Oh I don't know I'm not supposed to take rids from strangers." I tell her as I get into her car. Damn we both kinda dumb. Lol

School goes go by slow today, I zone out the teachers talking

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