Ch.8 Werewolfs?!

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Luke stopped walking, and I ended up running into his back.
"Luke what the hell!" I yelled as I went around him. As I stood I front of him I noticed he had a very mad yet, worried expression in his face.
"Luke what's wrong?" I asked pulling is face to look at mine.
"Samantha I need you to get behind me and promise me when we get out of this you'll try and understand." he looked at me with pleading eyes.
"Ok I promise but what's wrong? Get out of what?" I asked as he stood in front of me.

At that I heard another howl and a snap of a tree branch. I turned and saw a huge brown wolf. Wait a wolf!! I know it's not a normal wolf either. It's huge like the size of a car. The wolf growls and Luke.
"Shift!" Luke yells. The power behind his voice makes me shiver. Then out of no where a man comes out of the bushes.
"Look what we have here Micah an Alpha,and a human?" "Or is it the Alphas mate?" The man asked. Wait what the hell is an Alpha. I'm so confused here.

"Luke what is he talking about?" I ask slightly scared but, also confused.
"We shouldn't have come out her Sam. I wanted to tell you when you were ready. I called for help but promise me you'll try and let me explain when this is over." he said glancing at me and keeping an eye on the guys.
" Tell me what?" I scream out of frustration.
" Awee little Luna doesn't know?" Taunts the one named Micah.

I'm so confused right now I look to Luke for answers, but he has this angry scowl on his face. I've never seen him this angry it almost looks like his eyes are turning black. In that moment two of Luke's friends show up. Hunter is one of them and another is one I've seen around school. Out of nowhere four more guys show up behind Luke and Hunter.
  " You guys ok?" Questions Hunter.
  "We're fine just get Samantha out of here" growls Luke. And when I say growl I mean it I can feel it.

  " Awe the pretty girl doesn't know does she. Maybe we should tell her." Says Micah
  " What the hell are you guys talking about?" I yell.
  "We are talking about you're boyfriend here being a werewolf, and you are his mate little girl." Smirks the one that appeared first.
" You're insane there is no such things as a werewolf." I reply.

Out of nowhere both guys change into big wolfs. It all happened so fast Luke, Hunter and the other guy all change into wolfs. All the sudden they're all fighting. I am so stunned I tumble back and trip over a rock. I hear someone yell my name and I feel my head hit a rock. Everything goes black and my last thought is my boyfriend is a fucking werewolf!

Ok so there is another chapter I'm gonna start writing the next one now but I won't make any promises on when it will be up. I'll try tho sorry it's a short one.:(

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