"Super teeny." She giggled, wrapping her arms around your leg and you crouched to hug her. She reached up and Gray picked her up.

"So," he started, heading to the door. She turned to look at you as you grabbed your purse. "Were gonna go see the baby today."

"See baby?" she gasped. You smiled as Gray pulled his runners on. You followed suit.

"That's right."

"Like mama?" she asked. You nodded. "Gotta get a teeny photo?" You nodded again.

"Mhm, we'll get an ultrasound." She squealed and you laughed as Gray strapped her into her car seat.

You and Gray had kept quiet about the pregnancy. You wanted to surprise everyone with the ultrasound and so here you were, a few weeks after finding out to go hear your baby's heartbeat.

Taking Elle with you, you were trying to double a play date with a doctor's appointment.

"And it's gonna be cold okay?" the doctor asked. You nodded and Gray fixed your shirt as she pushed it up to rub the gel all over it. He squeezed your hand as Elle squirmed in his lap, standing on his thighs.

"Slime?" she asked. You laughed as did Gray.

"Is she your eldest?" the doctor asked, tapping away at the screen. Gray chuckled.

"Our niece." The doctor nodded and continued.

"First pregnancy?" You nodded and she smiled.

"There you go," she whispered, pointing to the screen. You looked over at the screen and felt Gray squeeze again. You squeezed back.

"Do-- do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Gray asked, clearing his throat. He pried Elle's fingers away from his chain as he looked at the doctor.

"A little too early for that," she said with a nod. "You can hear the heartbeat though?" He nodded eagerly, swallowing. She smiled as you looked at him.

He pulled up the hand of yours that he was holding and kissed it. Elle giggled. "Me too!"

He smiled and took her hand to kiss it too and she shrieked, pulling it away. "You asked."

"Got prickles!" she exclaimed. "Daddy don't."

"That's because your aunt doesn't like it when I shave." You laughed and she ignored this as she went back to trying to poke st the goo on your stomach. Gray held her back.

Listening to your baby's heartbeat was what had Gray to tears. You squeezed his hand as he dabbed at his eyes. You listened for a moment before the doctor stood. "Would you like a copy of your ultrasound?" You nodded.

"Yes, please." She smiled and held up a finger.

"I'll be right back." She left the room and Gray looked at you. You smiled as he leaned in to kiss you.

"I'm so excited," he whispered. You nodded. "Thank you," he whispered.

"For?" He smiled and you wiped at his eyes.

"I don't know, carrying my baby?" You laughed.

"Thank you for giving me our baby." He laughed snd Elle looked up.

"Daddy-- tell daddy bout baby?" she asked. Gray smiled.

"You wanna tell him?" He looked at you and you nodded as Elle did. "Alright, let's call him? You can tell him yourself."

"Gotta tell daddy!" she exclaimed. You smiled as Gray kissed you again, letting her hold his phone to her ear.

"Yo?" you heard on Ethans end. "What--"

"Daddy!" she squealed.

"Princess?" She giggled. "Whatcha doin', princess?"

"At doctor, daddy!" You smiled as you watched her. "Y/NN got baby!"

"Y/N what?"

"Baby!" she squealed. "In-- in tummy like mommy!" There was silence on his end.


"Heard boom boom!" You laughed as Gray took the phone from her.

"Hey, man--"


"Ima be a dad, dude."


AN// hi guys!!! no, vi is not done writing this story yet :) however, if you are bored of this, or think it's getting too long, you can definitely stop here, at this happy ending. but we do have a little bit more to go <3 i just wanted to take the time to say thank you for reading, even though this is such a long book. im so glad i've gotten this far with this book and i never thought i would and i love the story and im sosososo glad you like it too, if you've been reading. 

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