Chapter 17

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The next few hours I spent at the Curtis household were ones that filled me with anxiety and fear.

I knew Carl was gonna fuck me up real good for not going after him and as much as I hated to admit it,I was scared shitless.

"-I guess that's why I walked away," Ponyboy
finished off a sentence I didn't even realise he was saying.


He smiled at me "you thinking bout' Carl,"

I bit my lip and nodded.Ponyboy was truly the only one I could open up to about this shit. Others would run off and tell Tim or call me a fucking wimp but not Curtis.

When I'm around him it felt like I didn't have to maintain my tough guy facade and I could just have fun.

Ponyboy sighed,bringing me out of my thoughts

"I don't get it,man," he frowned taking a puff out of his cigarette that I knew he wasn't aloud to smoke inside
"the guys an asshole,why don't you just leave him?"

It was the same song and dance every time and at this point I had memorised my answer

"You don't understand," I stated

He turned to me,determination in his silver
,cold eyes "make me understand,"

Well shit,that was new. I raked my mind for a response,not even sure if I understood myself.

I finally settled on "we love each other,"

He snorted "that don't look like love to me,"

I clenched my eyes shut,feeling a headache coming on "just drop it man,"

We sat in silence for a while and I was suddenly aware of the time.

If I hurried I could get home before Tim and hopefully find a way to fix shit with Carl.

I jumped up,grabbing my jacket "I gotta go man,see ya around!"

I had reached the door when I got his response "say hi to Carl for me!"

Sorry This took so long lmao. I was going through a block but now I know how I want this story to end up and I'm excited to write up knew chapters more often lol. I should be uploading every 5-7 days! Any suggestions are always welcome!

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