Chapter 16

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"Hurry it up!" Tim's commanding voice rang out and I fought the urge to roll my eyes

He was going out on "business"and apparently me and Angela weren't mature enough to stay on our own after what happened last time

"Come on Tim,it was only one fire and we put it out!" Groaned Angela as she finally left the bathroom.

Christ, you'd thinks she was living in there or something

I didn't even bother arguing,I knew that when Tim made a decision he wouldn't change his mind no matter how persuasive we were.

I didn't mind to be honest,me and Carl were going to hang at the Curtis's house which excited me since I hadn't seen Ponyboy in a while,however,Carl had insisted to tag along and that was kinda making me nervous.

"Hurry up," he hissed quietly from behind me on the staircase.

Unfortunately I was off in my own head so I wasn't focused when he gave me a shove causing me to stumble down the last few steps and land at Tim's feet.

He scowled at Carl "you better watch your fucking hands,before I break them for you," he warned

He already wasn't happy about Carl spending the day with me without his supervision so I guess he was really pissed now.

"Sorry man,it was only a playful shove," he chuckled nervously,sending me a warning look.

"Yeah," I  pulled myself up "besides,i shoved him first," I tried to grin but it came out wrong

Tim just stared at Carl,unimpressed and it felt like years before he finally looked away

"ANGELA!" He yelled up the stairs "HURRY THE FUCK UP!"


I tried not to snort as I saw my sister walk down the stairs,face filled with rouge,skirt as short as my attention span

Tim grit his teeth at her appearance but with a quick look at the clock,he could tell there was no time to chew her out

Finally he took a deep breath "All of you just get in the fucking car,"

We all did so silently,knowing that we had pushed him too far.


I took in the scent of chocolate cake and Two Bit's beer as I entered the Curtis household

I could hear Mickey Mouse blaring out the small Tv,Two bit's childish yelling adding to the noise.

Carl's hand dug into my shoulder,controlling my every move. Once we got to the couch,he shoved me once again and I grunted as I landed on the hard pillows.

Ponyboy smiled Kindly at me "hey,"

I grinned back and soon we were engaged in a long conversation that sprung from one topic to the other

Two bit's yelling was only getting louder and I saw ponyboy wince at the sound

"let's go to my room," he offered

I nodded "alright,"

but as soon I got up,Carl's hand latched  in to my wrist,squeezing in warning

"Just stay here," he warned

Ponyboy scowled at him "no one asked you,"

Carl got up to his full height and I took a deep breath,glad that everyone else was preoccupied

"Well I'm telling you," Carl growled

By now we had gotten Sodapop's attention as he came over to us worry etched on his normally cheerful face

"There a problem fellas?" He asked,looking at me in particular

Carl squeezed my wrist once again "nope," he answered for me

Sodas smile tightened "well why don't you let go of him then?" He nodded down to my arm

Carl flushed and dropped my hand and I rubbed at my slightly bruised wrist

"Fuck this," he muttered then stormed out much to my dismay

I tried to go after him but Darry grabbed my arm And I almost missed the Wary look he shared with Soda

"Why don't you just let him calm down kid," he smiled at me

I turned back around and walked over to where ponyboy was still standing

"come on then,"

He grinned at me and we were once again lost in conversation

Sorry I made you guys wait so long lol
Once again id appreciate it if yall leave any suggestions down below (:

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