Chapter 8

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Sorry for the late updates!!!!!! 



Lucy’s POV

While Gray and I were talking I heard footsteps that seemed to sound like they were stomping and turned to find an angry Sting glaring at me.

“Oh so now its Gray?” He said while yelling his face completely red showing all the anger clearly.

“Sting please I really need you to calm down and I need to explain this all to you.” I said standing up trying to use my calmest voice.

“Are you really asking me to calm down?” Sting yelled. I decided that I had just enough from this and agreed to run away like I always do. After about five minutes of running I bumped into a muscular body and looked up to fund Natsu. Why does it have to be him of all people?? I looked up to find him frowning angrily trying to figure out what happened.

“Luce are you okay did that bastard hurt you?” Natsu asked angrily. I really didn’t want to answer nor talk to anyone so I just tried to avoid Natsu by quickly moving to the side and began to ran that was until I felt Natsu grasp my wrist right before I left which made me just want to curl up into a ball and just die.

“Luce it’s fine you can talk to me consider me as your older brother.” Natsu said while pulling me into a hug. I began to cry while hugging him just angry at myself for basically everything and then my cries began to turn into sobs and that’s when Natsu pulled me away and asked me to tell him calmly exactly what happened. We decided to go to a café to talk about it and luckily it was the same one Sting and I went to earlier.

Natsu’s POV

It hurt me so much to see Lucy cry like that. I just really want to know was it Sting that hurt her? That question has been lingering in my head ever since I saw her. We went to a nearby café so I could be able to hear all of what happened. Once we were already seated and preparing to order she seemed to already know her order which seemed to surprise me since this place which was kind of new so I decided to ask her.

“Hey Luce have you been here before?” I asked confused.

“Oh sure I was here with Sting before why?” Her voice seemed to lighten whenever she spoke of Sting which reminded me that I lost her because of my stupid actions and there is nothing I can do to change that.

“So Lucy are you going to tell me what happened?” I asked curiously. After a few minutes of her explaining what happened I seemed to clearly understand all of it. I’ve just about had it with this Sting guy I thought while slamming my fists on the table while standing up and leaving the café hearing Lucy trying to catch up with me. Then finally I reached the park where I seemed to find exactly everyone I was looking for from Sting and Gray all the way to Rogue. Once Sting saw me he saw Lucy not too far behind and I saw his face light up at the sight of Lucy which seemed to bug me so I turned back to Gray and Rogue.

Lucy’s POV

After I told Natsu what happened we went back to everyone and I saw Sting running towards me and hugged me. I hugged back but felt something fall on my shoulder where Sting’s face was. I found it to be tears and looked up to find Sting crying.


I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! 

Who do you want Lucy to end up with in the end it could really be anyone Gray,Sting.Rogue, or even Natsu! i know this was a Stinglu fanfiction and it could stay one but if you guys want alternate endings or want Lucy to end up with someone comment!!!!!

Thanks for reading! Until next time!


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