Chapter 2

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Lucy's POV

As i was sitting at the park alone crying until I heard footsteps behind me and found Sting Eucliffe from Sabertooth. 

"Oh hey Sting is it?" I said slightly remembering him from the Grand Magic Games.

"Yes Blondie!" He said with a slight grin on his face.

Sting's POV

I was walking through the park until I smelled a scent of something salty like tears. So i decided to follow the scent of the salty tears (oh my god so freaking cliche follow the scent of the salty tears). Once i reached the source it was Blondie from Fairytail the kind of only reason i remember her is because she's one of the prettiest girl I've seen in my life. She turned and saw me and she actually rememberd me I was really surprised maybe was it the same reason. No what am i thinking it cant be. 

"So Blondie why are you crying?" I said sitting on the bench next to her and putting my arm around her trying to comfort her as much as possible. It just really hurts me whenever I see someone especially a girl crying. I just really wanted her to stop crying nothing more.

"It's a really long story." she said trying to stop sniffling and crying.

"Well I've got all the time in the world for you Blondie you know what lets go for a walk and you can tell me about this long story eh?

"Are you sure I really don't want to cause any trouble for you?" she asked worried. How would someone as pretty as her be able to cause trouble for anyone i thought to myself.

"No not at all." I said while standing up and offering her my hand and surprisingly she took it and we began our walk along the park.


(still Sting's POV)
After Blondie and I's walk she told me the whole story I really feel mad at Salamander for what he did to Blondie how could he do that to her she seems like such a nice person and she's way prettier than that Lisanna girl even though I've only seen her once. I realized that time went faster than i thought and we reached Blondie's house. That's when i remembered that I had no place to sleep as i was here at Magnolia for a mission and was supposed to be completed but i spent the whole day calming down Blondie. I  think the only option I have is to ask to stay at her apartment until I'm able to go back to Sabertooth.

"hey blondie?" I asked  noticing how deep in  thought she was  but i wonder what about.

"Yeah Sting what is it?" she said shaking herself out of her thoughts (i dont know if thats even a thing but lets just roll with it).

"I was wondering if I could stay to night since i have  nowhere to sleep ?" I asked with a sheepish smile.

"Sure for however long you need to stay  anything for someone who turned my day from gloomy to bright.' She said with a smile that made her eyes kind of sparkle.

"Thanks Blondie!" I said as she opened the door to her apartment letting me in.

"Sure thing!' She said still smiling. 

Lucy's POV

I decided to let Sting spend the night since he had no where to stay and he really helped change my day and mood so why not but I still dont know where he would sleep.

"Ok Sting you have two options you can either sleep on the floor which i dont recomend cause you will freeze to death and its uncomfortable dont get me wrong its not like i want you to sleep next to me or you can sleep on the bed but dont try anything stupid." I stated like a sassy 7 year old girl.

'It's fine Blondie I'll sleep on the floor I don't really mind."

"Alright suit yourself i have an extra mattress in the closet and a sleeping bag so pick whatever you want Im gonna go take a shower." i said as i walked into the bathroom. Once I finished my short bath/shower I found that I brought the wrong pajamas with me they were a lace kind and it was really tight 

"Oh god." I said while facepalming since I heard that Sting can be like a perv sometimes so I think i should be quite worried . So i decided to try to avoid Sting and just go to bed right away, I left the bathroom quickly and noticed Sting staring at me.

"Nice pj's you've got there Blondie." He said while flashing a smile that made him seem more like a perv to me which made me just want to laugh but too bad that one of my laughs managed to slip out

"Whats so funny?" He said looking really confused.

"It's nothing we should get some sleep we had a long day.' I said while trying to hide my smile.

"Goodnight Blondie." I heard Sting mumble while being half asleep which made me smile. He really was a cutie but could be a perv at time. I should really get some sleep I thought as I began to grow tired.

"Good night Sting' I mumbled before falling asleep hoping he wouldnt hear me. I awoke around 5 in the middle of the night feeling really tired and realised I awoke from a shivering sound coming from the floor around where Sting was sleeping. So I decided to get out of bed and let him sleep on the bed ughh i warned him it would be cold. It was so hard to carry him cause he's all muscle but I managed anyways.

"Thanks blondie." I heard him mumble before closing his eyes to sleep again. I decided to not reply because he was probably already asleep and wouldnt notice but once i closed my eyes i felt warm arms wrapping around my waist from behind pulling me in. Due to how tired I was i wasnt able to do anything about it but to  be honest I kind of liked the feeling of it oh god I really should stop thinking like this Sting is just a really good friend of mine I thought then fell into a deep sleep.

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