Chapter 3

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    Sting’s POV

I awoke to find myself hugging Blondie I was confused for a little then I remembered, I started to look at Blondie while she was sleeping she look really cute while sleeping and pretty much all the time. After a few minutes of staring and thinking about Blondie (creeper status) she kind of started waking up so I did what any guy would do go back to sleep.

   Lucy’s POV

I awoke to find Sting still sleeping so I decided to unwrap Sting’s arms from around me very gently to try and not to wake him up while I was getting up I slightly tripped I really hope that Sting didn’t see that.

“Nice trip Blondie” Sting said while winking. Great I think he saw that.

“So you were awake?” I said with a hint of  anger in my voice. As usual he didn’t reply, so I just carried on with my usual morning. I went to the bathroom to wash my face then changed into my usual shirt and miniskirt. Once I walked out of the bathroom I was greeted by an unhappy Sting.

“Do you always dress that revealing?” he asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

“yeah and why does it matter to you its not like your my boyfriend?” I replied.

“Whatever you say.” He said angrily. After that little conversation I went to make both of us some breakfast. I decided to make some waffles since I had some leftover batter from the other day. When the waffles were done I made a plate for both Sting and I. Once Sting saw his plate of waffles he poked at it with his fork and he seemed a little confused or kind of like he hasn’t seen a waffle before.

   Sting’s POV

Blondie made breakfast for both of us and it was something I’ve never seen or heard of before it was something called waffles. She told me to put this weird syrup on it and so I did.

“Woah this is really really good Blondie.” I said extremely mindblown.

“Oh thanks I’m glad you liked it.” She said with her cheeks a light shade of pink.

“Well I’m gonna be going to the guild now wanna come? She asked.

“No but be read at 10 before to 2.” I said while flashing a smile.

“Ok bye Sting!” she said as she was at the door. I decided to give her a small/mini goodbye hug

“Good bye Blondie” I said while planting a kiss on her forehead.

She started blushing at first then flashed one of her signature smiles waved, then was on her way to the guild. Gosh she’s such a cutie and she’s just really sweet I still cant believe that salamander did that to her I really hope he doesn’t hurt her anymore.


   Lucy’s POV

Before I left to the guild Sting gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead he’s so caring and I appreciate it so much. Once I reached the guild it was back to the same old guild except for Natsu he looked at me strangely which I just ignored and moved on to talking with Mira.

“Hey Lucy what can I get for you?”

“Hmmm can I just get a vanilla milkshake for today?”

“Sure, so spill it where were you yesterday?” Mira asked like her usual self.

“Well I was with a guy and you’ll see him soon I have something somewhat like a date with him  at 10 before 2 so yeah.” I said while grinning looking like such a fool.

“Yay I’m so happy for you Lucy!” Mira said happily.  A few minutes later Natsu came I think he might have heard the last few sentences.

“Luce  are you seeing someone why do you smell so weird and different?”  Natsu asked angrily

“Natsu is it that hard for you to mind your own business I live my life and you live yours, you once had your chance and you blew it.” I said angrily leaving the bar. Woah time went by really fast its only a few minutes until I had my mini date with Sting.

“Lucy it’s a few minutes till 10 before 2 you should wait for your date outside.” Mira said while winking.

“Oh yeah thanks for reminding me Mira!” I said while leaving the guild to wait for Sting outside.

    Sting’s POV

Once I reached Fairytail I saw blondie waiting outside she looked a kind of sad and I really hate to see Blondie like this I really hope her mood will change when we go to wherever we are going.

“Hey Blondie!” I shouted from afar while waving which seemed to catch her attention and salamander’s. She ran towards me and hugged me right away and began crying on my chest so I decided to hug her back and comfort her as much as possible. Right after that I noticed the annoying little salamander approaching us.

“So you’re the one Luce is seeing.” The salamander said with anger in his voice.

“Natsu enough leave Sting and I alone.” Blondie said while trying to pull herself together.

“How could you be with this disgrace of a dragonslayer??” Natsu yelled while fire began going around his fists from anger.”

“Well at least he’s better than you!!!” Blondie yelled the loudest I’ve ever heard her and showed all of her anger. She quickly turned her back and grabbed me along and we left and began to walk.

“So um Blondie where do you want to go?” I said while asking her still shocked about what she said back to Natsu.

“Anywhere is fine with me.” She said while giving one of her really happy smiles.

“Hmm I was thinking maybe we could go to the new shopping mall that opened a few days ago?” I asked while wrapping my arms around her and to my surprise she actually put her arms around me back. (A/N: sorry I really suck at describing these types of things.)

“Sure!” she said excitingly. Then we were on our way


ok so this is my authors note thingy Thank you guys so much for reading plz vote and comment opinions,recommendations for other fanfictions, and how to improve my fanfics!!

.Also do comment what you would like to see in these next few chapters like more stinglu moments or nalu moments or ANYTHING rlly. K byee guys!!!! 

ik this is super lame. :)

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