Chapter 17

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In Draco's perspective

The inside of the maze was almost pitch black. All the outside noise in which he had previously heard was cancelled out, making it dead silent. He looked all around him, his eyes searching for any glimpse of Ophelia.
Footsteps thudded from behind him and he turned, pulling his wand out of his pocket, expecting some strange creature.
"Malfoy??" Harry's voice said. "What in the bloody hell are you doing here?"
"It's a long story." Malfoy said, panting.
"Yeah I can tell." Harry said, his eyes straying towards the leaves embedded in Draco's hair.
"Listen Harry," Draco said "I need to get to the cup."
"Why the hell would I help you do that." Harry yelled, suddenly becoming hostile.
Draco took a few steps back and put his hands up in a protecting stance.
"Good point." He mumbled. He continued to back away from Harry, who's eyes had now glazed over, almost as if he was possessed. Without warning, Harry lunged, grabbing Draco by the ankle. He shook his foot, attempting to get him off. He pulled out his wand again and shot a spell at Harry's hand, causing him to recoil, holding his hand against his chest, a pained cry emitting from his lips. Without hesitation, Draco turned and started to run the opposite direction.
"OPHELIA" he yelled as he ran. "OPHELIA WHERE ARE YOU." His voice sounded pained and desperate. His hands continued to clutch his wand, almost as if he was expecting something to jump out at him. His eyes started to water as he continued to run through the maze. Green blurred past as he picked up speed. Tears flooded his face as he continued to cry out for Ophelia. Twigs snapped under his feet and the cold air rushed into his face. His feet started to hurt as his body weight crashed onto his his hips as he continued to sprint.
His head spun and his limbs felt heavy. He had seen her. He knew he had. He wouldn't let his mind call him crazy. He did not hallucinate this, he couldn't have. It had to be real.
Suddenly a white light shone to the right of where Draco was now standing. He turned his head and saw a glowing cup, it shone silver and blue. It was probably one of the most glorious things Draco had ever laid eyes on. Twigs snapped behind him and he turned to see Cedric and Harry running towards the cup, a crowd of bushes chasing after them.
"NO" he yelled and turned and started to sprint again. Every piece of his body told him to stop, he was tired and broken. All he wanted to do was crumple up and cry, but he couldn't. He had to find Ophelia. His legs rushed in front of him and he reached the cup. A figure lurched out, grabbing the handles. He stumbled back in surprise and then looked over to see Ophelia clinging onto the handles of the cup. For some odd reason she hadn't seen him. It was as if he was invisible. He turned again and saw Harry and Cedric were now very close to the cup. They both flung there selves onto it and within seconds a powerful energy lurched them into space. Draco felt as if his organs were being compressed. His lungs felt as if they were being flooded with water. His eyes bugged out as he gasped for air. He flailed his arms and with a sudden thud it all went away. He was laying on the ground of a dark place. He sat up and rubbed his head. He recognized this place. He had been here before he just didn't know when. A tall reaper statue stood in the middle of the grounds, in its clutches stood Harry, who seemed to be struggling to get free. Draco's eyes scanned the field, searching for Ophelia. He finally spotted her, standing near some other people who were dressed in long black cloaks, hoods covered their faces. Draco stumbled backwards so he was hidden behind the statue. His gut was telling him not to be spotted. A loud scream came from in front of him, he recognized it to be Harry's voice. The sound of a dagger entering flesh met Draco's ears and he recoiled in disgust. Harry whimpered as the soft sound of liquid hitting water echoed throughout what Draco now recognized to be a very old Graveyard. A bubbling sound erupted from the cauldron, sending itself into the air and reaching over to Draco's ears. Draco scuffles backwards more trying to stay hidden, whatever was going on here he knew it wasn't good. A tall slimy figure started to take form in the cauldron. It slowly started to crawl its way from the depths of the thick liquid, taking form to something that was less than humanoid. It's eyes were red, it's figure so slim it was if it was made of bone. Fingers so long and bony they were almost twigs. The small man that had been standing next to the cauldron fell to the ground as the figure slowly made its way to its feet, naked and powerful.

"My lord." The man squeaked. "Welcome back Lord Voldemort."

Draco felt his heart almost stop in his chest. No this was impossible, he was supposed to be dead. His father had told him he was dead. He reached for his head slapped his eyes, trying to wipe this image from his mind, it couldn't be real.

"My robe please." A dark, evil voice said to the man who was still clinging to the ground that Voldemort touched.
"Yes, yes. Of course my lord." The man mumbled, stumbling forward and grabbing a long piece of black cloth that had been crumbled up behind him. He handed it to him, bowing as he did so. Voldemort carefully took it from him and slipped it on with a simple flick of his hand.
Draco continued to rock back and forth, trying to shake this illusion from his head, even though it was nothing but real.
Suddenly a hand grabbed him from behind and pushed him into the circle that surrounded the Dark Lord. He looked up in terror to see Voldemort staring at him, his eyes reseeded to slits.
"Draco." He growled "I haven't seen you since you were a baby. So glad you could join us."
Draco lurched away from him, his back up against the front of the statue, in which Harry still hung now passed out.
"I I I." Draco stuttered, not daring to break eye contact with the Dark Lord.
"Tsk tsk tsk." He rasped, clicking his tongue "shame you couldn't have made your presence known before. I could've really used you in my plane to gain power once again."
Draco's mouth went dry and his throat seemed to almost give in.

"Draco?" A soft voice whispered from his left side. He looked up and met those soft eyes that he knew only too well, although they seemed to be more sunken now.

"Ophelia..." he croaked. He reached his arms up in an attempted to embrace her.
She scuttled back and her eyes grew big and terrified. She looked up toward the Dark Lord and shook her head as if almost pleading.
"No please... I didn't." She cried.
"My dear," he started "you had one job. Prepare him, don't grow close to him. I feel I've made the consequences very clear."

"No i swear!!" She screamed, hurtling herself to the ground so she was bowing down to him.
"Draco must not have any distractions from his task. And it seems that you have created that obstacle for me." Voldemort looked up and nodded at the two cloaked figures standing behind Ophelia. They grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back so her head was stuck in one of their arms, chocking her.

"NO!!' Draco screamed, lurching himself forward, reaching out for her, crying to her as he saw her eyes widen and then fall reflecting the love she had for him.
The two men pushed him back right before he reached her. He fell backwards and cried out in pain as his arm twisted up behind his back.
"DON'T HURT HIM!!!" Ophelia yelled "please" her eyes had grown sorrowful and tears had started to fill her perfect face.
"Why??" Draco mumbled "why her??? Please. Take me instead. I'll do anything."
"Draco this is what must be done." Draco's head snapped as his fathers voice sounded from under the mask of the man holding Ophelia.
"Father why ??" He cried out, tears rushing down his face "please don't do this."
"Draco it's gonna be ok." Ophelia whispered again. She tilted her head and smiled down at him, tears still cupping her face. "You'll be ok."
Without another word, Lucius raised his hand and stabbed a dagger deep into her stomach. Her body lurched forward and fell to the ground.
"NOOOOOO!!!" Draco cried out, the pain in his voice filled the air, echoing throughout what seemed to be infinity. He flew forward and grabbed her head before it could hit the ground. He moved so her head was laying in his lap and he stroked her hair, his tears falling onto her face.
"Be careful." Ophelia wheezed "it's not safe here anymore."
"No you can't die." Draco mumbled through his tears which he was now practically chocking on "I can't live without you"
"Yes you can." She cried, small tears falling from her almond shaped eyes. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, you are my light, my love and my life. I will always be here for you, just not in person anymore." she reached up and placed her hand, which was now covered in her blood, on his heart. "I'll be here in your heart." Her eyes started to dull and her head fell to the side a bit.
"No Ophelia no." Draco sobbed. "I can't lose you. I love you!!!"
She gave one last weak smile and then was gone.
Draco cried out and placed his head on her forehead.
"Please come back. Please come back." His tears fell onto her body which was still warm with life. He cupped her face in his hands and placed his lips on hers, trying to remember all the happy times they had, everything they had been through, all of which was now gone.
"I love you so much." He whispered, his head now falling to his chest in a mix of desperation and sadness.
"Please come home."

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