Chapter 10

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In Draco's perspective

Draco led Ophelia out into the field by Hagrids hut. Given the fact that there was no smoke coming from the chimney, it was obvious that he wasn't currently home. As they reached the border of the forbidden forest Ophelia hesitated.

"Draco" she whispered, "we're not supposed to go in there."

"Oh c'mon!" He exclaimed "what's wrong with a little rule breaking! Plus, I'm here with you. I swear I'll jump in front of you if anything tries to eat us alive."

Ophelia didn't seem convinced but none the less followed Draco as he continued to lead them into the thicket of trees.

The sun barely snuck threw the long branches that covered their heads like a canopy. Birds sang all around them, their voices ringing clear and crisp through the chilly air. Leaves hung loosely on the tree branches, while other floated down, carried by the wind. It was really a sight to behold. The whole forest seemed to be enchanted. It was almost as if it was alive and breathing. Existing much like you and I.

Ophelia and Draco made their way through the forest, leaves crunching beneath their feet. A bug flew up into Draco's face and he batted it away lazily with his free hand. They continued their trek deeper and deeper into the depths of the trees.

Eventually the trees started to clear, opening up to a vast clearing in which three waterfalls stood, rushing down into a small, clear pool. The water glistened in the sun as the rays hit it. It was almost as if it was made of diamonds. Dragonflies flew around the ecosystem of water, landing on Lily pads to rest their tired wings. Birds clumped together up in the surrounding trees, singing a surprisingly upbeat tune. In the midst of such a dark forest, the pool seemed to be a sanctuary of peace. A little peace of light in such dark place.

Ophelia caught her breathe at the sight of something so beautiful. Draco felt her hand slip out of his as she slowly walked towards the water. Her eyes seemed to be almost mesmerized. Draco smiled at the sight of her. He walked up behind her and watched as she continued to walk towards the mouth of the pool. His eyes glistened in the light. They were the same color as the sky. The same crisp almost wintery blue.

The dragonflies started to circle around Ophelias feet as she reached the edge of the pool. She kneeled down and ran her hand through the cold water. Draco walked up and kneeled beside her. She smiled up at him and placed her head on his shoulder, pushing her body against his.

Suddenly, without even an ounce of warning, Ophelia looked up at him with almost a devilish smile on her face. Before he could say anything she grabbed his shoulder and fell back into the water. The cold embraced Draco as he was submerged into the depths of the pool. He kicked his way to the top to see Ophelia, sputtering water from her mouth.

She caught his eye and smiled. He couldn't help but laugh. He knew he should be slightly angry, considering she had just soaked his last pair of clean pants, but he just couldn't be mad at this girl. He didn't really know what it was about her he just couldn't. He used his arms to stroke his way over to her. He grabbed her shoulder and moved in closer to her, so his face was looming over hers. He looked down into her bright green eyes. Her hair was stuck against her face and had been pushed into her face, around her eyes and mouth. He took his hand and moved the loose strands of wet hair off her face. His hand traveled down to her neck and he leaned down even more so their foreheads were touching. She smiled at him and then brought her lips up so they were touching his. He leaned in, accepting her kiss. She grabbed his waist and pulled him in closer to her. Draco moved his hands up into her hair, grabbing it passionately.

A drop of water landed on Draco's hand and he lifted his head up from hers and looked back into the sky. It had started to rain, at first it was a light sprinkle but soon it started to pour. Draco laughed and noticed as the Dragonflies started to dart over their heads, seeking any sort of shelter they could find. Ophelias hands were still wrapped around Draco's neck as they watched the rain pour down onto them. The drops fell onto their faces and every once in awhile got into their squinting eyes. Draco looked down at Ophelia again who had now let go of her neck and was lifting her hands up, as if she was trying to catch the rain. She smiled and spun around in the water. Draco smiled as he watched her.

''Don't you think we should head back" He said. "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold."

"Are you kidding me." Ophelia yelled back. "This is perfect."

Draco laughed and tilted his head back again, opening his mouth to catch the raindrops as they continued to fall. His platinum blonde hair fell into his face and he shook his head to get it out of his eyes. Ophelia continued to lift her hands up and dance around in the water. Her hair flew in every direction, spraying water as it flew. She scooped her hand into the pool and flung it upwards, springing water droplets everywhere. Draco smiled as they hit his skin, sending a chill up his spine.

"You're beautiful" He said, he didn't even really realize he had said it until Ophelia looked up at him, surprised. At first He thought she was going to yell at him, but then to his relief she broke out into a smile.

"You really think so?" She replied, smiling.

"Yeah. I really do"

She jumped over to him and flew into his arms.

"You're not so bad yourself." She laughed, tugging at his loose collar. Draco laughed along with her and spun her spun her around, pushing his head back and letting the rain soak into his pale skin.

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