Chapter 15

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In Draco's perspective

     The days were long, the nights even longer. It has been two months since Ophelia left. Draco felt numb all the time now, as if all the happiness had been sucked out of him. Every moment in time he could feel the deep loss in his heart, it weighed him down. He tried so hard to push the sadness away but he couldn't, his whole being longed to see Ophelia, longed to touch her, longed to hold her, he at least wanted to know where she was. She hadn't responded to any of his letters, no matter how much he wrote. It was almost as if she had disappeared completely.
The third task was right around the corner and everyone seemed to be excited. The constant chatter of the subject gave Draco a blistering headache. The amount of gossipers he had hexed on the hallways lately had just kept growing. It was a terrible coping mechanism but it worked for him, after all, Madam Pomfrey had been hired for a reason.
Draco walked down the bustling hallway to the Great Hall which was packed with people who were all having the same bloody conversation. Who was going to win. Harry Potter this Cedric Diggory that and oh and don't forget about Krum and Fleur. It sickened Draco. Honestly who cares. It's a stupid contest and all the contestants were already rich anyways, it's not like 1000 galleons would make the biggest difference in their lives. Also, Krum and Harry already had eternal glory so it would be rather pointless if either of them won.
Draco pushed his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down, distancing himself from everyone else. He hadn't been very talkative since Ophelia had up and left. He had pushed away everyone that had even the slightest need to care for him. He seriously lacked human touch and his attitude grew worse by the day. Everything was spiraling downwards. Everyone resented him now, even Pansy, who had always gone out of her way to please Draco. He could still tell by the twinkle in her eye when she saw him, that it if really came down to it, she still would.
The candles hanging from above flickered, casting shadows of light across Draco's face. His hair was a mess and his lips were oddly chapped. His eyes look sunken and lonely. He seemed almost ill.
"Draco?" a soft voice whispered above him.
He looked up, his eyes were blurry and he had to blink a couple times to make out the figure standing above him.
"Draco." the voice said again, placing their hand on his shoulder.
The blurriness ebbed away from his eyes and he saw none other than Hermione standing above him.
"What do you want?" he croaked, his voice as raspy as ever.
"Ophelia told me to give this to you." she said, handing him a black envelope.
He reached up and carefully took it from Hermione outstretched hand. He nodded up at her as a thank you. She glided off, her robe trailing behind her feet.
Draco sat, staring at the black envelope in his hands. He didn't really feel like opening it, he had a strange feeling it wasn't good news.
He stood up and began to walk back to the Slytherin common room. Other students followed his lead and began to trickle out of the Great Hall. Draco held his head high, trying to bring attention away from the fact that his face looked hollow. He shoved the envelope on his pocket and began to run to the dungeons. His footsteps echoed throughout the almost empty corridors. When he reached the door to the common room he pushed it open and crashed into the room, continuing to run until he reached his dorm, where he then collapsed onto his bed.
He pulled the letter out of his pocket and observed the carefully sealed envelope. He didn't want to open it. A tight feeling in his chest told him whatever was in there would only cause him more pain. A tear slid down his face as he placed his finger under the seal and slid the envelope open. He reached inside and pulled out a small piece of parchment. The paper was ripped as if it had been torn from a notebook. His fingers slid across the ridges and he unfolded the paper. The writing inside was not Ophelias usual perfect handwriting. It seemed rushed, almost as if she wasn't supposed to be writing.
My dearest Draco,
I miss you more than I ever thought was humanly possible. Your the only thing on my mind most the time. I would do anything to feel your touch again, to touch you. I wish I could see you and I know you wish you could see me too, but please Draco, whatever you do, don't come looking for me. It will only end badly. Just promise me you will stay at Hogwarts where your safe. I can't have you tangled up in things that you don't need to be tangled up in.
Stay safe my love.

The paper in which the letter had been written was covered in splotches, tears. She had been crying while writing this.
Draco sat, the letter in his hands. He felt numb. Water welled up in his eyes and slid down his pale face. His lips quivered as he thought of all the happy times he had had with her. He longed for her to be here. His mind still hadn't fully comprehended everything. It was all so crazy. He had been happy, free, at ease, and then, within seconds, it was all gone. Everything was gone. Draco didn't really know what to think.
He looked down at the tear riddled paper again and slid his fingered across her writing. He smiled at the thought of her. He carefully lifted the paper to his lips and kissed it, tears streaming down his face.
"Oh Ophy." He sobbed "Why did you have to leave?"

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