Chapter 9

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In Ophelias Perspective

     Ophelia stood up and walked away from where Draco sat, tears falling down her face as well as his. Oh how she mourned to tell him. Every ounce of her body wanted to fling herself onto him and tell him everything that had been happening. Everything her family had become involved with. Everything she had become involved with. But he couldn't know. His father would kill her if she told him.

She flew up the stairs and when she reached the common room door she quickly answered the riddle and then flung the door open, quickly entering.

She walked over to her dorm room and paced the floor. Back and forth, back and forth. She continued this strange behavior for what seemed like hours.
"Would it really be so bad if he knew about the Dark lord?" She thought. His father was involved so she didn't completely understand why he hadn't told him yet. Nothing made sense anymore.

Suddenly an owl flew through the window and landed on her bed, dropping a letter. The envelope quietly floated down onto her sheets and she walked over and carefully picked it up. It was sealed with a wax picture of what she knew to be the dark mark. She blinked and then slid her fingernail under the seal to open it.

A single piece of parchment paper resided inside the envelope. She pulled it out and opened it, beginning to read.

The dark lord has recently tasked you with a job that is very much important to his rising. We cannot explain exactly how it will work but all you need to know is that you must be at the graveyard when Harry touches the cup. This is very critical. Remember that one action leads to another.
- Crouch Jr.

Ophelias hand flew up to her mouth. Being summoned by the dark lord himself was almost never a good thing. Intact it just straight out never was. Her mind spun and she braced herself with the nearest post on her bed. She leaned down so she was laying face up on her bed. She listened to her breathe, trying to calm herself down. A million scenarios of why she had been tasked to do this flung themselves through her brain. Almost none of them had a good outcome.

"Why did I sign up for this!!" She shouted out loud. She covered her eyes with her hands and pushed the tears back. She didn't want to show weakness because you never knew who was watching.

How her life had fallen into such a mess she didn't even know at this point. Why her parents worked for this clearly terrible man, she didn't know the answer to that either. In reality, she didn't know the answer to anything. It was all just one big, catastrophic, mess.

She rolled over so she was laying on her side and continued to read the letter over and over again. Her eyes continued to fly across the words, drinking every last one of them in. No matter how many times she read it, she still didn't completely understand why. Suddenly she snapped. She screamed at the top of her lungs, ripping up the paper into tiny little pieces and then collapsed onto the floor, sobbing.

"Why me?" She sobbed through tears "I didn't do anything, I don't want this. I never signed up for this" she held her hands up to the sky, almost as if she was praying. Everything blurred around her and she felt like she was falling. She let out on last scream before laying still, crying.

Through her mostly blurred over eyes she saw someone run through the door towards her. She felt them pick her up and lay her down in their lap, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. She saw their lips moving but couldn't hear what they were saying. Before she knew it, her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep.


Ophelia slowly opened her eyes to the sight of none other then Draco sitting beside her, staring at her with a look of pure worry crossed onto his face.

"How did you get in here?" She croaked, her voice sounded raspy due to all her crying.

"Harmony heard you crying and didn't know what to do so went looking for me and then brought me here." He replied, his voice, unlike hers, sounded smooth and angelic.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this." Ophelia mumbled, shrinking away from him a little bit.

"Hey, don't talk like that." He said, intensely "I'm always here for you, no matter what the situation is."

Ophelia could only muster a simply nod in response to his words.

" cmon" his voice sounded from behind her.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll find out." Draco replied, standing up and lifting her up so she was leaning on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head. "Let's go."

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