
"Please" he gave me puppy eyes "I'll guide you"

"Alright lou" I closed my eyes, I could hear the gate open. I felt Louis I hold my hand, butterflies instantly woke up in my stomach. It felt like we were waking for what felt like ages as our feet shuffled across the gravel path. Suddenly we stopped.

"Can I open my eyes-"

"In a minute hazza" there was silence. He tapped my shoulder meaning I could open my eyes in which I followed. I looked around. We were in a grave yard, the tombstones were quite far a part, there were lots of flowers around, a couple benches and a bunch of bright orange, red and yellow trees as it was october.

"Hi mum" I heard Louis whisper. I looked down. 'Johannah Tomlinson, March 25 1973 - December 7 2008' wow she was young, I did the math in my head she had Louis at 18. Not like it mattered but just a thought. I looked up at Louis who was smiling down at his mums bed with tears in his eyes.

"Harry, this was- is my mum. Johannah- Jay" He grabbed my hand and sat me down on the grass next to him.

"So um we can talk now I guess" he started picking at the grass. "Lou-" I was cut off

"It's easier if she's here. I-I'm really close with her and she takes the weight off of everything" he said mumbling a bit. I simply just nodded staring at his stunning blue eyes. We sat in silence again, the tension wasn't as thick. Guess he was right she does take the weight off.

"Car crash" he started.

"She passed in a car crash, I was in the car with her. We were heading to the shop to pick up Christmas presents early because mum loves the month of December- dont you mum? ... it was raining that day like it usually does, but it was raining really harm. Thunder storm... mum was trying to comfort me since I absolutely am terrified of them while still keeping her eyes on the road. Yes I'm eighteen and terrified of them. Anyways... um she didn't see the truck coming from the side- and I screamed to look out for truck but it was too- late.. s-she went right through the windshield... e-ev-even with the seatbelt on... I didn't get it to bad since it hit-her side... I ended up with a broken arm and a concussi-on.."

Oh my god I just want to hug him and never let go the poor boy.

"She passed away on the scene, Lottie thinks I'm the reason for her dea- passing.... which hurts.."

We sat in silence, he played with the hems of his sleep while I picked at the grass.

"The kiss, the first kiss. I was emotional, so much was happening. I never have opened up to anyone as fast as I did with you. It felt as if I was aloud to feel sadness and talk about everything with you. I'm sorry for all the times I've beaten you up. I was angry at Mark, Lottie and myself. I never had an outlet other than anger and being able to just talk about everything felt good."

He spoke so fast he was out of breath. I understood everything he said though. He ran is fingers threw his hair looking at Jay.

"Louis-" I was cut off again, I wasn't mad or annoyed. I should just let him talk.

"Then the second kiss... I- well you kissed me first this time... like you gave me a lecture. No one has given me one like that before, no one has cared so much about me- other than you mum... anyways.. it just you then kissed me and I don't know what happened and I kissed you back. Everything felt right. I didn't think I could be into a guy, I thought I was straight up until two weeks ago all honestly"

He paused and looked at me with a slight smile

"You know it's all kinda insane these past few weeks, who know I was going to move in with the kid I've beaten up almost everyday for the past two years. On top of that me kissing him- and I- ugh this is all so confusing. Nothing has seemed right since mum passed-" he paused to look at her then look at me

Bruises [L.S]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora