a safe place

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so i just realized the way this story is going im almost done writing- theres still many chapters left just not as many as i thought.

i think there was 40 something chapters total? imma have to check my notes.


i usually post every other day, but things have been crazy and apparently only 7 days have passed? i dunno felt like longer

and i feel bad you were robbed of a shower scene last chapter, i hope this makes up for

anyways, enjoy this chapter xx

TW// self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, abuse, depression



the walls were beige, the paintings were bright. different colours... blue, green, red, pink, purple and so on. magazines lines the side tables. ed sheeran's new album out in april! pre orders now was the tag line for one of those tween magazines.

"louis?" a soft voice spoke out from around the corner. "if you could follow me please?" it was a woman, nice blonde hair tied back into a bun, she was in a grey power suit. she looked quite professional.

she led me into a small room that was just off the narrow hallway. she carefully opened the door to the sight of harry fiddling with his hands, leg bouncing up and down. "right louis, im doctor carrie. how are you?"

"im alright, you?" i asked sitting down next to harry. his eyes met with mine, the look of horror to relaxation came quick. "ive been alright"

she started to explain why i was called in "you want my side of things and harold here is withholding information?" it came out more than a question when i cut her off

she seemed taken back by my answer. "um- well if you dont mind sharing your perspective of it" she managed to shake her head of whatever thoughts she had.

"well uh, last week around three in the morning was it?" i questioned, harry nodded.

i quickly wrapped my arms around him and pulled his body into my chest, letting him lean back against me.

"right, i woke up to hazza screaming stop stop stop repeatedly. i knew from that moment what he was dreaming about" i sighed looking down at him. "i had tried for about five minutes to wake him up... he then almost fell into a panic attack"

harry looked up at me with this whyd you tell her look running through his eyes. i felt bad- but i had to tell her... right?

"thank you louis" she looked up at me then made eye contact with harry. "its all we have time for today, i recommend getting another appointment with in the next week or so... drive safe"

"thank you" i smiled lifting harry off my chest and up to the floor. "bye" he mumbled before making a quick exit.

we walked back to the car park in silence, the air on the drive home was filled with faint music, at one point niall made his way in there... as he should.

we got back to the apartment, harry walking off to our room. i sighed while i got started on tea and lunch.

i didnt hear any more movement other than my own. i looked back down the hall to see no light from under the door, meaning he fell a sleep.

i finished of the pot noodle and tea making my way down the thin walk way and somehow managing to open the door.

i carefully placed the bowls and mugs down onto my night stand and climb under the covers with him. we faced each other, his soft breathing hitting my chest as i wrapped my arms around him.

Bruises [L.S]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz