the concert

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harry is pretty🥺🥰

anyways on with the story-

this chapter is around 4k words so my longest chapter yet!

TW// self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, abuse, depression



"right, anyone else?" miss garcia asked. i looked around the room, a few people focus on the board, some others drawing in their books. no one was paying full attention. "louis?" my head turned back to the board.


"the answer?" she stared at me, her glasses on the tip of her nose. she looked mean but in the first four days ive been here she is actually really sweet.

"oh um" my eyes glued to the board looking at the numbers and letters. all of it causing my head to throb.

i decided to do what i know best. "well you see miss, as much as i would love to give you an answer. i dont need to calculate how many watermelons its going to take for an alien to come down to space-"

she rolled her eyes at me. "i get youre new here, but this is a serious work environment"

"then why did everyone laugh?" i sat back in my chair listen to the laughter and chuckles from the rest of the class.

there wasnt many of us, just around eleven. "mr tomlinson" she sneered

"alright, ill stop miss" i threw up my hands in defeat, trying not to laugh with the rest of the class.

this place wasnt so bad, maybe itll get worse. a few people who stay the night say its horrible so im thankful i dont need to.

but the people are nice and to my surprise therapy isnt all that bad. even group therapy isnt as awful as it sounds.

who knew over sharing with strangers was easy? i mean some of them are my friends now. "psst tomlinson"

i snapped my neck around to see briana, shes a nice girl. i had met her my first day here, shes one of the kids who spends the nights. "yeah?"

"lunch is next, wanna trade?"

"what are we in primary school?" i whispered nudging her.

"haha very funny" she rolled her eyes "they give you better food than me though"

"how? we get the same sandwich"

"you get better crisps than i-"

"briana and louis i advise that you keep your mouths shut unless you would like to eat lunch in here"

i turned around slouching in my seat waiting to be let out of the class. which felt like forever, we finally made our way into the common area.

there were a few sofas, a telly, a few tables and chairs for board games. first look at it all it seems very dull with the white floors and grey walls, but its actually nice here.

i made my way into the lunch room. briana chatting about the nightly check ins they do. hourly apparently, i dont think i would be able to manage that.

"right tomlinson-"

"you know i have a first name right bri?"

"i like tomlinson better" she smiled sitting down at one of the lunch tables. "i wanna know more about you"

"about me? maybe... if you give me your juice box i will" she let out a laugh at my answer

"guess who sounds like their in primary school now"

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