Chapter 13: You lied to us

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As I sat on my bed in my room I was thinking to myself what excuse I could make "oh I have my social media's I didn't know." Or I could say "they installed on their own." Oh my fucking god why am I bad at making excuses the one time I need a solid excuse. As I was sitting on my bed watching Netflix I heard "ELLIE GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I heard all my brothers yell. Ahhhh rest in peace my kind soul. As I walk down stairs I see my brother all together in a line wait wheres dad... I was pulled out of my thought by my brother Sam "so Ellie want to explain why you have Instagram AND HAVE BEEN POSTING PICTURES OF YOU IN A BIKINI ALSO TEXTING BOYS." Sam boomed. Think think think Ellie then my dog Milo walked up next to me and growled at Sam ( Sorry guys I completely forgot about the dog 😂)
Sam looked at Milo and yelled "MILO BED NOW!" Milo slowly walked back into his bed
"Well Ellie in lighten me." I looked at Sam in the eyes and I said...

Wheres Olivia (Ellie's mum)
Wheres Ellie's dad gone?
Find out next time :)

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