Chapter seven~w-where am I?

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A/N I'm so sorry for that late update guys I've just not being feeling my self but anyway enjoy :)

"MUM." I yelled the next thing I knew everything went black...


I was slowly starting to wake up It felt like I was in a car I could hear faint talking in the background i though it would be better if I just didn't move and pretended I was still asleep cause I was terrified right now. All I heard was "Yes boss we have your daughter. No sir it's fine she's still asleep."

James Maranzano (Ellie's dads POV)

When I heated my worker got my daughter back from Ellie's mother I was over the moon I couldn't wait to see her 15 years i haven't seen my daughter for I know crazy right. Ellie's mother never let me see her cause she thought my life is to dangerous for her but I made a promise to myself if I got Ellie back I would do everything to protect her. My gang will do anything for her when she's back here. Oh how rude of me not to tell you about my gang. My gang Is called the Red lions we are the most feared mafia in the whole world why you may ask? Because we have no emotions when it comes to work. At home it different with me and my sons we all love each other and my gang members we are all like family. I have warned them all that my daughter is coming back and that mine is to be rude to her as she has basically kidnapped by some random people for all she knows. But as for Olivia well my sweet old Olivia is coming back as well but in a different car than Ellie I don't want Ellie seeing that witch of a mother of hers. Who would do that to their own daughter take her away from her other half of there family. As I'm sitting in my office I hear one of my gang members shout "Boss ive got Ellie!" As soon as I hear that I come running out my office. She looks so sweet on his shoulder. I take her off of him and hold her in my arms wow my princess is 15 she looks so much like me. I get broken out my thought with one of my gang members saying "we had to put her to sleep again she woke up and pretended to sleep so she might be out a little longer than expected." I let out a little sigh she's going to be a little trouble making just like me. I say to them "ok boys thank you I'll take it from here." All three of them nod. Then I see my princess staring to wake up.....

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