Chapter 6 - Eagle Sights

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Night falls, the mission on the start. Me and Kate, entered as decoys in one of the heat spots along with S.A.T troopers and Police units under cover with us. Seeing anyone Non-Japanese in a Street of Japan where Yakuza has a rule will be surely the moment of everyone's vision. And I came to know one thing here.....the plan is excellent!
Two Men in Certain formal suits and Tattoos visible on their neck tried to approach us. The moment they tried to put a hand on Kate, we both countered back. Kate and I had hit them back and within few seconds, the Police Undercover came out and arrested both of them. All of this happened within the time period of 10 seconds, fast enough for people to not understand anything!

As we moved ahead, even the Police and the S.A.T troopers were keeping our track as they were moving by roofs and also by streets. Once again, this time a group of people, very similar to the ones before were closing in to us....and we were getting surrounded. I was just waiting for them to make the move so that I can directly give the command of rapid arrest. The microphone both me and Kate were wearing, it was more like a concealed earphone. The moment on of them who seemed to be their leader tried to remove his knife, I said 'arrest'. Once again, within seconds Police undercover on the streets and S.A.T Troopers cable jumping from above came down and arrested all of them! Within 10 seconds again! Now where did these arrested convicts go? Every corner of street! Keeping them guarded! As soon we went ahead, the shops started closing as we thought they have realized that we are on a hunt of these Yakuzas. Even the streets were getting empty every moment.

But our assumptions were wrong, soon from a point came a whole group of Yakuzas circling me and Kate. It was only a matter of time when I say 'arrest and the troopers undercover will come for the action. But the police undercover on the streets who were with us had to stay back as the streets ahead were emptier and there were no people due to which their cover was easy to be blown. Now everything depended on the S.A.T troopers here.

I still waited on giving the command. I tried to assume their next move....which was much of a surprise. As the Yakuza Was Standing circling us, A Senior man in a fine suit came from them in front of us....He was speaking something in Japanese. His speaking was much of descent though. Understanding nothing of the speaking, he forwarded his hand for a handshake. I accepted that hospitality by a return handshake, so did Kate tried to. But the moment Kate forwarded her hand for the handshake, he tried to pull her by her hand .....which gave me an instant answer of hitting back. Been an Elite police trooper, we already had a lots of experience and training of self-defense and hand to hand combat, that's something which was going to be excelled once again. I hit the man back...too very hard as he down collapsed. And the moment I hit back, S.A.T troopers landed down once again and arrested all of them!

That night, we had made at least more than 60 arrests. With this arrest, I think our cover was blown. We returned to the department that day. From there, we went back to the hotel while these convicts were kept under arrest at the department.

The next day, when we all went back to the department. Reports were ready in given in my hand where it was confirmed that all of arrests made that day were Yakuzas. A total of 63 Yakuzas were arrested! What an efficient efforts by the S.A.T department! And it wasn't only us who had made the arrests in the first heat spots. Our teammates also had made a few arrests. As me and Kate who were acting as a decoy in couple, we were seeking of attention of the yakuza than these guys did. Overall, we had the best start possible here! One thing was known here for sure that the Yakuza Headquarters of Chiba, the Castle of Chiba surely would have been upset with this news.

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