I give him a questioning look but instantly nods his head reassuringly. I unfold my hands from one another as he opened his arm so I could come lie beside him. Resting my head on his chest he let a small tedious groan escape.

"Sorry, if you're uncomfortable then I-" I tried to adjust my weight so I wasn't as heavy on him but he placed a kiss on my forehead and cut me off.

"Just shut up and lie with me." He said through a chuckle.


"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm quite the opposite, so please just talk about something else."

"Ok, well..." I continued by telling him about a letter I received from my mother a few days back about my cousin Mary's wedding. It was to be a summer wedding and they'd set the date for a year next week. I told him all about how overly extravagant and glamorous it was bound to be, boasting money they don't have to look fancy and rich.

"I want an October wedding, when it's almost winter and becoming cold I don't know why but I've always felt comforted by cold, and we can have candles to light the forest, and only a few friends." He said so confidently, running his hands through my hair.

"Did you just say we?" I ask cautiously, looking up into his eyes. His cheeks went rosie, not realising what he had said.

"Now look who's blushing." He rolled his eyes as I giggle at his embarrassment. "I'd love an October wedding." A pleased grin grew on his face when he recognised I wasn't freaked out by what he said.

"It might rain though." He added, raising an eyebrow to see if I'd be scared off.

"Then we'll get wet, we make the most out of it, rain can be pretty magical when you chose to look past its unfortunate perceptions."

"God I love how you think, it's amazing, how you can see the beauty in things like rain and even my family." He tucked a piece of fallen hair behind my ear, making me sigh.

"Oh stop it, you charmer." I say, laying my head back down on his chest. "Hey can I ask you a question?"

"What's going on Draco?" I whispered softly, as he stopped playing with my hair. "Why was Harry attacking you?"

"It's complicated." I sat up listening to his simple and quick answer, looking down at my fingers beginning to spin the rings on his hands. As I was about to speak he cut me off. "Can you promise something?"

"What's that?" I look up with a gentle smile.

"Promise me that whatever I do you'll forgive me."

"That's a really big promise Draco, what are you planning on doing?" I say semi sarcastically in and attempt to hide the worry in my voice.

"Please promise you'll forgive me, promise whatever I do you'll be there, by my side, promise you'll understand why. Promise me we'll leave after and get that house in France and be together just us two. Just promise you'll forgive me." He looks through his eyelashes, tears threatening to fall from his icy eyes.

"Draco... you're scaring me."

"Please Ana, please." Never in my six years of knowing Draco had I ever seen him this vulnerable, his eyes were filled with remorse and suffering, and his face much paler and thinner than I had noticed before.

"Only if you promise that whatever happens, wherever we go and wherever we end up you won't forget me, that you'll always hold our memories in your heart, promise you'll never forget."

"I promise." He didn't take a moment to think, his response was immediate, like it was the only important thing in the world, like the promise he had just made was the only thing that mattered.

Promise You'll Never ForgetWhere stories live. Discover now