Chapter 7

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*Analia's POV*

The rest of the day went beyond slowly, it felt like a long car journey when your mum says "it's just around the corner" or "it's the next roundabout" but the corner goes on forever and the roundabout is still miles away.

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss, it replayed in my mind again and again, like clockwork, so much so I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes because of it.

It was quite obviously a spur of the moment, irrational kiss and I really shouldn't think too much of it. Who knows if it would've happened if I hadn't have shed a tear, or kept walking when he called me back. It made me consider whether Draco was beginning to regret his decision. Ugh can this day go any slower?

Hazed by the marathon of thoughts running in my mind, I didn't realise my final class of the day had ended and it was time for dinner.

I walked with Luna to the great hall, discussing the events of our day. I left out the part where Draco kissed me, I should tell her, and Cho too, I mean they're my best friends after all but I know how they'll react.

They'll disapprove instantly, not that there's much to disapprove of, it was just a kiss, however they will jump to unnecessary conclusions. I know they're just trying to protect my heart and look out for me and that's why I love them, they will always be there for support when it's needed, in this situation though, I need to discover all the answers myself before I tell them.

I sat between Luna and Cho, who had arrived at the great hall just moments before, facing the Slytherin table where Draco was sitting with his friends. His eyes didn't leave mine from the minute I sat down. He gave me a smirk and a wink that made my stomach erupt with butterflies. I smile back before he toe his gaze away to continue chatting with his friends.

To my surprise, when I looked away my friends were staring at me in utter confusion.

"Lia, what the hell was that?" Cho said while Luna sat with her mouth half open.

"What was what?" I respond trying to convince them I was oblivious to what they saw. I knew what what they were talking about. They saw me and Draco.

"Do you think we're idiots, what was that with Malfoy? Do you think you're being discrete or something?" They both look at me with wide eyes, waiting for whatever bullshit response they know is coming.

"It's really nothing I guess, he just asked if I wanted to meet him tonight." I say anxiously. They do not look happy.

"I overheard two girls mention Malfoy kissing a girl in the hallway today." Luna added, looking as if she was quickly piecing together a puzzle.

"Please tell me that wasn't you." Cho pleaded, figuring it out. I looked down, guiltily nodding my head.

"Malfoy? Analia! What the hell, anyone but Malfoy." Cho said a little too loudly making a few people look over, I shot my head over at Draco to see if he heard and sure enough he was staring right at me rolling his eyes with a sneaky smirk on his face.

"Guys, it was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything." I reassure them looking away from Draco.

"Are you still going to meet him tonight?" Luna asks curiously.

"I'll see what he wants, yeah." No matter how they reacted I was going to meet him tonight, as much as I love them and value their opinion, I had to understand what was happening here, why I liked the kiss so much, and why I wanted it to happen again.

Once I finished dinner, I rushed up to the common room and changed into something comfier. I opted for an emerald green hoodie and grey shorts since its still pretty warm. I caught up on some homework for the next couple hours before I left.

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