Chapter 10

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*Draco's POV*

I couldn't let her walk away like that, I couldn't let her forget what we had, as short as it was, it's the most magic I've felt at this school in a long time. I don't know what came over me when I crashed my lips onto hers desperately, but after I tasted her again, I only wanted more.

I knew she wanted it when I felt her sink into the kiss and it made me go wild.

I finally pull away watching her catch her breath but she immediately pushed me away from her.

"You're unbelievable Malfoy." I could tell by her tone that she did not mean that in a positive way. "You think you can ignore me for weeks, then kiss me like that and everything is fine? Everything is forgiven and forgotten?" I watched as she ran off to the bathroom and left me standing there wondering why the hell I just did that.

I've fucked this up big time now.

I promised myself I'd leave her alone, I'd give her space to find someone as good as she is, that's deserving of her kindness and intelligence. I promised that I wouldn't break her heart so I left before I could.

I thought it was what's best for her.

I tried my hardest to stay away from her, to ignore the overwhelming feeling of guilt I felt not talking to her and having her hate me. I thought it would confirm that these feelings of attraction towards her are just my mind playing tricks, wanting a distraction from my life but it's more than that now. I've only truly known her for a short time but I can't see myself without her, I don't want to lose her.

I guess that's why I kissed her, to make sure she felt the same and now I know she does, even if that meant sacrificing the work I did to push her away.

I even let her move on, it pained me seeing her and Mclaggen together. I never cared much for McLaggen but as soon as I heard he was after Ana, my Ana, I felt my blood boil. I forced myself to stay out of it as best I could despite the hatred I felt for him. I soon learned hearing how disrespectful he spoke to her at Hogsmede that he didn't deserve Ana. As much as I'm not the best for her,  Mclaggen is even worse.

I stood with my head in my hands while the thoughts brewed in my head. This can't be how it ends, I have to make it up to her, show her that I am truly sorry and show her what she deserves.

*Analias POV*

I couldn't believe he just did that, how could he. He knows I'm with Cormac, well sort of but he still had no right.

I practically flew to the bathroom, I felt tears starting to form in my eyes and my breath began to quicken. When I reached the mirror and saw myself, hot tears flooded down my face. My mascara was running and my cheeks were a crimson red. Images of Draco flashed in my head, when he kissed me, when he smiled, even when he made fun of me, they wouldn't leave my mind.

Why would he do that? He has ignored me for two weeks for christ sakes, and then he thinks it's ok to kiss me like that? In the middle of the hallway no less.

Does he think it's right to toss me around like this, cast me away like I'm nothing then pretend he cares and kisses me? The more I thought, the less upset I found myself and rage took over.

After 15 minutes or so, I finished crying, fixed my face and threw my hair up in a ponytail to try make it look a little more presentable. When I walked into class all eyes were on me and I quickly rushed to my seat.

"How nice of you to finally join Miss Fay," Professor Snape said as he watched me get to my seat, "You can catch up with what you missed in detention after school." I looked at him with guilt, pleading with him to let me off this one time but returned with a blank stare and continued his class.

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