Chapter 16

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I ran, I didn't have a plan, I didn't know where I was going, I just ran through the castle walls, probably looking like a right lunatic, but at this moment in time I couldn't care less.

He didn't chase after me which I guess was a good thing, it means we couldn't fight anymore. Still there was a slight hope in my heart that I'd hear the obvious footsteps running after me, filling the halls with the clicks of his heels hitting the hard stone beneath, echoing off the walls.

My senses were in overload whilst simultaneously numb to the outside world, the smallest sounds were magnified, the tiniest smells were nauseating. The big things, the things I should've noticed were oblivious to me, every emotion clouded my mind until life was a blur, a haze of grey.

My hands met the cold, metal railings, my breathing was heavy and the air was crisp on my skin, leaving goosebumps as it traced up my arm. I had made my way up to the Astronomy tower, why I don't know. I had never really come up here before, never really had the desire to. It's just a tower after all, a telescope and a pretty view, there's nothing magical about it.

Maybe that's why, because there's no magic, because it feels like home.

No, who was I kidding, I knew why I'd come here. It's where he brought me, it's where he showed me who he really was, where he captivated me. Since that night he hasn't left my mind, he's not always in good faith, but always there, lingering in my brain and playing with my memories.

I looked out to the world beyond the castle, tears continually falling one after the other down my face, unable to contain them any longer. I was overpowered by the thought of Draco Malfoy, he flooded my mind without warning that night and the damage is permanent.

I sat for hours in a trance at the world, watching the sun say goodbye to the land, leaving the trees, the water, and the castle in darkness, the light from the stars bright against the black nothingness of space. The longer I sat there, I felt my mind getting lighter and lighter, as if it were being emptied, until it was a vast desert of serenity.

It was silent inside my mind, it allowed me appreciate what was in front of me, how beautiful a place I took for granted really was. The tears had fallen and ran out long ago, and Luna had stopped by to bring a blanket for me so I wouldn't get cold considering the British christmas weather was beginning to set in.

I returned to my dorm later that night after everyone had already fallen into their dreams. Sleep was difficult to find so instead I stared up at the ceiling, remembering the view from the astronomy tower, refusing to let the affairs of today creep into my mind.

I caught a couple hours of restless shuteye before waking up in the morning, dreading the day to come.

For the following days I kept myself out of the limelight, hoping to make myself invisible and detract any attention given my way. I would get on with my work silently in class and only speak when spoken too.

Luna and Cho noticed my social absence and supported me through school. They made sure I was ok which really meant a lot, knowing they're always there for me, I truly have the best friends. They knew not to ask any questions just yet and that I'd tell them the whole story when I was ready.

Draco would constantly try to reach for my attention, muttering my name in classes and waiting for me in the corridors outside my lessons. Every time I avoided his gaze and rushed away ignoring him. The memories were too raw for any sort of conversation with him.

After school I'd make my way back up to the astronomy tower, sitting there for hours on end, thinking about Slughorn's party and everything that erupted from it.

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