Chapter 6

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I woke up this morning still confused at what happened last night at Draco's, what did he think he was doing coming that close to me? Was he going to kiss me? Ugh why did he have to be so confusing. Just hours before he was yelling at me to stay away and then it felt like we were having a moment, it makes no sense.

I forced myself out of bed, got dressed and made my way down to breakfast in the great hall. I found Luna and sat down next to her, she was talking about an invisible ear bug but funnily enough no ones ever seen one, seriously, sometimes I question where she finds this stuff but they sound pretty cool.

I searched around the hall for Draco at the Slytherin table when I spot him speaking with Camille, Crabbe and Goyle, I don't think he's noticed me yet. I need to talk to him about last night.

As if out of nowhere he locks eyes with me from across the room, letting the chat carry on without him. I give him a slight smile before he quickly looks away and joined back with the conversation without anything, no smile, no wave, not that I was expecting anything, I guess nice Draco didn't last for long. I finished my breakfast hastily and headed to my first class, potions.

The class went pretty normally, of course Harry made the best potion yet again, I swear he has some sort of cheat sheet, there is no way he knows exactly what to do. I can tell Hermione is getting jealous because he's proving better than her and it's quite obvious she's getting suspicious too. Professor Slughorn however doesn't seem too dubious by his immaculate potion making abilities and instead is praising the boy for his perfection.

I occasionally glanced over at Draco at the back of the classroom, every time I do, his eyes are fixated on me, but not once does he smile. He almost looks angry.

I decide to forget about him for now, I'll talk to him in Care of Magical Creatures, we've got it next anyway. Potions ended with a round of applause for Harry and everyone walking their way to their next classes.

I sat down at the desk before Draco, handing our project into the teacher a day early, she skimmed through it briefly to check that all the pages were there, and proceeded to nod at me and place it on her desk. Soon after, Draco came and sat down, without a word being said.

"Hey, Draco? Is everything ok?" I ask cautiously. It felt so different to last night, it feels like he's avoiding me, being cold and distant.

"Why do you care so much mudblood?" He sneered through his teeth at me. I sat in shock, I was lost for words, what had gotten into him.

"Draco, what the hell is wrong with you?" I said slightly too loud before getting told to stop talking by the professor, from then we sat in silence, not uttering a single word. I'd occasionally feel his eyes on me but as soon as I returned the glance he shot his head forward. Luckily, it was just book work so I had no need to talk to him.

The atmosphere had changed so drastically from last night, what was once an easy going, dare I say friendly relationship had fizzled into the same one we had at the start of this year. It baffled me how things could change so suddenly as though last night never happened.

When class ended I intended on marching out of the class as fast as I could, I couldn't stand to be near Draco for any longer, but before I could escape the professor spoke;

"Miss Fay, Mr Malfoy, can I speak with you two please." We both come forward to stand facing her desk, "I managed to grade your work and I think it's one of the best pieces of work I've seen, granted I've only been teaching for a few days but this is setting my standards high. Keep up the good work." I smiled

"Thank you Professor, have a good day." I thank her as I began walking out of her classroom. I quickened my pace to past Draco who was a little in front, huffing and muttering when he was close enough to hear my remark;

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