Chapter Twenty FIve

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Hermione could tell. She could tell, that Harry and Ron didn't get along with Malfoy, and visa versa. That's the way it always had been and always will be. After discovering that Hermione and Malfoy were indeed a couple Harry and Ron would sometimes spend time with the two, but that was rare. And when it happened, the tension was thick, and sometimes unbearable. But they tolerated each other, and for that Hermione was thankful. For she knew that they were doing it on behalf of her.

If Hermione was not with Malfoy, she was with Harry and Ron. And it was very often that she found herself going back and forth between her two friends and her boyfriend that the four had agreed on a meeting day, where they would all meet, spend time together, for Hermione. And only for Hermione.

Hermione was the bridge between Harry and Ron and Malfoy, and if the bridge were to falter so would go the connection.

January quickly passed, and February was the dawning of a new month, a new day, new adventures, and new surprises.

Hermione sat lazily on the hearth rug in the kitchens, on a cold Sunday night in earlier February. She sat as close to Draco as humanly possible, her head resting on his shoulders, while his arm wrapped around her waist, protecting her from the two sat, staring into the fire, letting the steady breathing of the other fill them.

Hermione couldn't believe it was already February. Only a few more months and her Hogwarts life would be far behind her, with an foggy future ahead of her. Over the past few weeks, Hermione had been wondering what to do with her life, she had come across many ideas. Teaching, working at different departments of the Ministry, but none of them seemed to stick, none gave her the feeling that she would truly be doing something worth while. Save for one.

Ever since her father had passed Hermione began to look at the profession of Healing. Helping those in St. Mungo's with a dark present, to a brighter future. She could help those in need, and she knew that she would get something back. The feeling of helping someone life improve. And maybe, just maybe, she would be able to save someone like her father.

"What do want to do after Hogwarts?" Hermione broke the comfortable silence, voicing her thoughts.

Draco shrugged. "I dunno. I suppose I'll have to think of something soon."

"Oh you are a bright one, aren't you?" retorted Hermione, smirking as she tilted her head to look at Malfoy's face.

"Yes, I do believe I am." he said in mock pride. They both laughed. "What about you. Is there anything you want to do?"

Hermione paused for a moment. She hadn't voiced her thoughts about becoming a Healer to anyone. "Well, yes. There is one thing." she broke off.

"And that would be?" he said, sitting up more, and turning her body towards him so that they were now sitting cross-legged, across from each other.

"Well, ever since, you know." she slightly pointed her hands at Draco, and he nodded, knowing full and well what she was talking about. "Ever since then, Healing has really appealed to me. I figure I can give something so no one has to experience what I lost." she paused and saw Malfoy smirking, a warm and gentle smirk that could have easily been mistaken for a smile. A thoughtful look appeared on Hermione's face.

"Sounds perfect for you."

"You really think so?"

Draco acted as if he were indifferent about the subject by looking towards the ceiling, and shrugging "I suppose so." but he couldn't help the smirk that filled his face.

"So, tomorrow's a Hogsmeade trip."

"Yes, it is." Hermione said to Malfoy as the two walked hand in hand on their patrol.

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