Chapter Three

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One of the many things Hermione prided herself in was her ability to run. She had always been able to run very fast, and for that she was thankful. It came in handy when on her many adventures with Harry and Ron, and it came in very handy right now. She and Malfoy where running even with each other, and Malfoy was surprised that she was keeping up with him. They ran up the stairs to the top floor. They ran to the end of the hall, they paused for a moment to catch their breathe. Malfoy looked to his left, and threw open the door to the room that was there. He grabbed Hermione by her sleeve and pushed her into the room. Once they were both inside he locked the door with the flick of his wand.

Hermione walked over to the window of the empty room and tried to open it, but it didn't budge. She tried again, and nothing happened. "OH." she said in an annoyed tone while she stamped her foot on the ground. She swiftly pulled out her wand and tapped the handle of the window, there was a soft click and when she tired again, the window opened with ease.

Malfoy joined her at the window and they both looked at the ground, four stories below. Hermione muttered a quick spell and a ladder appeared at the window, running down the building.

Without a word to the other, Malfoy barely helped Hermione out the window and she made her way down. As she made contact with the dark street, Malfoy climbed out the window. Malfoy made contact with the street and then quickly flicked his wand and the ladder disappeared. The two teens stared at each other, neither one knowing what to do.

"Now what?" Hermione asked, slowly and quietly.

"I dunno. I suppose we have two options." he paused. "We could stick together," both teens shuddered at the thought, "Or we could split up."

Hermione didn't even have to think twice about which one she preferred. "I think it would be better if we split up. That way it will be harder for them to follow us." Hermione was about to ask Malfoy why Death Eaters would be after him, since she assumed he was one or was going to be one, but decided now was not the time.

"I agree."

"We could meet up again somewhere and that way if one of us gets caught the other will know and can alert some one."

"That sounds like a good idea. Can you apparate?"


"Good, there's an apparating point just inside Gringotts' lobbey. We can sneak into the building and then apparate some where safe."

"Malfoy! That's breaking an entry." Hermione hissed, in disappointment.

Draco rolled his eyes at her strict view on breaking rules. "Granger, I don't know about you, but at the moment I would prefer to break an entry instead of being caught by a bunch of Lord Voldemort's followers."

Hermione looked at the ground in embarrassment, "I suppose your right."

"Now as I was saying," he went on like she hadn't even spoken, "I'll go left, so you don't have to pass by Knockturn Alley, and you go right. We'll meet at the entrance of Gringotts' in fifteen minutes. If your not there when I get there, I'll wait for five minutes. And if you still haven't shown by then I'm leaving. I'm trusting that you'll do the same for me and you better.." he finished in sincerity and seriousness

Hermione stood there in shock, she was quite surprised that Malfoy had taken control like he did. And yet he was still able to maintain his I'm-better-than-you-and-always-will-be since of pride. "Alright, fifteen minutes." The both turned to head in the directions they would be running. Hermione was just about to turn the corner when Malfoy called out her name. She turned.

"Be careful, Granger. Death Eaters move quickly and most of the time undetected. Be aware of your surroundings , especially in the shadows."

"Thanks." Hermione replied, taken aback that he: Draco Malfoy of Slytherin house, most arrogant pureblood of all was giving Hermione Granger of Gryffindor and muggle born, a sincere word of caution. It was like he almost cared.....almost.

525.600 Minutes: In Truths That She Learned, or The Times That He CriedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ