Chapter Fourteen

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The department store of Purge and Dowse Ltd. was old and dwindling. The dummies in the window where old and worn. Their wigs were falling off and the clothes that they sported went out of style a decade ago. On the double doors that led inside were signs reading: CLOSED FOR REFURBISHMENT. To the on looking muggle the store was never open. But to an injured wizard or a worried magical family a simple whisper to one of the dummies and a simple step through the sheet glass revealed St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Hermione shot out of the fire place of the hospital, skidding to a halt at Mr. Weasley's feet. "Here you go Hermione," Mr. Weasley said, helping the girl stand.

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley." she replied, dusting the ashes off her robes. Just as she finished, Harry came shooting out of the fire place, followed by Ron, who was quickly followed by Mrs. Weasley. Without waiting another word, or waiting for anyone Hermione marched to the desk on the ground floor.

As Hermione reached the end of the line she noticed a wizard, whose face had been horribly rearranged, trying to read the directory sign to the left of the desk. He was tilting his head in all different directions, trying to properly read the sign.

She heard Ron give a muffled laugh followed by a "Ow, that hurt Mum." Hermione looked behind her to see Ron rubbing the back of his head, and heard Mrs. Weasley say "Serves you right." By Hermione's guess, Mrs. Weasley had given Ron a slight smack on his head for laughing at the poor wizard.

"Next!" After five minutes of waiting Hermione approached the blonde woman sitting behind the desk. "We're here," she motioned to the four people behind her, as he voice shaking slightly as she spoke, "To see Tom and Jane Granger"

The witch looked at her list of names, "Tom and Jane Granger, ah, the muggles?"

Hermione nodded, her fists clenching slightly, who cares if they are muggles. She thought.

"Fourth Floor, ward forty-eight." The group gave a unison of thank you's, and made their way towards the staircase.

They climbed the stairs in silence, except for Ron. He was once again being followed by a Healer in a picture. "For the last time I do not have spattergroit!" Ron said through clenched teeth.

They were just about to reach the landing that led to the fourth floor, when Mrs. Weasley caught up with Hermione who was leading the group.

"Hermione, dear."

"Yes." Her voice was tired and strained.

"You need to understand something before we go in. Your parents," Mrs. Weasley paused, looking for the right words. "They're not in the best conditions. They-er-where hurt very, very badly." they were now standing in front of the double doors marked SPELL DAMAGE.

Hermione wasn't sure how to respond. They're not in the best of conditions? So, she merely nodded. Mrs. Weasley gave her a warm smile, and a comforting hug. "Let's go."

They reached ward forty-eight, Hermione opened the door and stepped in, the rest beginning to follow her. Hermione turned around, and stepped back out, and once again closed the door. She sadly looked at all of them.

"What is it, Hermione?" Harry gently asked. Hermione sighed deeply before replying.

"I really appreciate all of you coming with me." she looked at each one. "Really I do, but I would like to go in by myself. Just for now. So would you -erm- mind waiting for a little bit?"

Harry and Ron gave her surprised looks. Mrs. Weasley slightly frowned. Hermione knew that Mrs. Weasley didn't want her to go into the ward by herself. Mr. Weasley, however, gave her a smile, a very small smile, of something that closely resembled pride. "Of course not, Hermione. When you're ready, you can come a get us." Hermione gave him a small appreciative small, and nodded. "In fact, we'll go get some tea."

"Thank you." Hermione said, as she turned and entered ward number forty-eight.

There were two other people in the ward, both were in the beds by the door. To the right, a weary looking wizard was sleeping. To the left was a witch who was being treated for the purple color her entire body had turned. She smiled at Hermione as she came in.

As Hermione entered the room further, a Healer came out from behind a curtain that separated to sleeping wizard and what she could only guess to be her parents.

"Hello," the Healer said, brightly. "You're hear to see the Granger's, aren't you?"

Hermione was taken aback. "Yes, how did you know?"

"You look just like your mother." the Healer gave her a warm smile.

Hermione could only smile back. After the Healer went to tend to the witch, who now turned a shade of green, Hermione made her way to the back of the ward. As she turned the corner of the curtain Hermione's face fell.

Her father's bed was closest to the window on the back wall. His bed and his wife's were only separated by a small bed side table that was covered in different potions that had already been given to the patients.

These where not her parents. Tom Granger wore a cheeky grin, and had rosy cheeks. His chocolate brown eyes always shining with life. Jane Granger had the light brown eyes that matched Hermione's. The smile that played at her lips was small and welcoming. The two were always constantly moving, both content with life. But these were not the Tom and Jane that lay in the beds before Hermione.

Her parents were deadly still, lying on the backs, their hands placed delicately at their sides. Both of their skins were a ghostly pale. Their eyes were closed, and their even breathing was in unison. Hermione could see light traces of bruising along their arms, and bodies.

'They're not in the best of conditions' and 'They were hurt very, very badly' seemed like understatements.

"Mum, Dad" she whispered. Her parents opened, both, slightly opened their eyes to the sound of a voice. Hermione begged herself not to look away as her parents looked at her. Their once happy eyes were now glazed over a bore no emotion at all. It was like they were in a dream, as if they didn't really see Hermione.

Hermione absently mindedly grabbed the chair that was at the foot of her father's bed and placed it between the to beds. She was thankful for the small space that separated the two beds It left just enough room for her to beable to hold one of her father's hands and one of her mother's, and that's exactly what she did.

"Do you think she's alright?" Ron asked, while he paced up and down in the front of the door.

"Of course she's alright. She just wants to be alone with her parents." Harry said, staring at a spot on the wall opposite him as he sat on the ground next to the door.

"Ron, stop you're pacing. You'll wear a whole into the ground." Mrs. Weasley, trying to sounds as calm as possible. They got back from getting the tea twenty minutes ago, which had taken twenty minutes to get in the first place. That made forty minutes that Hermione had not emerged from the room.

"Perhaps if we go and check on her." Mr. Weasley said. He knew that there was no harm in letting Hermione be alone in the ward with her parents. But, he felt small harm in Hermione being there, with no one to comfort her. He had seen the Granger's, he was one of the few who had been at their house when it happened. It was hard enough for him to look at the two, usually happy people, who could only imagine how hard it was for Hermione.

There was a group agreement as the four opened the door and walked in. They walked to the end of the ward to find Hermione sitting in a chair facing her parents, slightly hunched over, both of her hands grabbing one of her parents.

"Hermione." Mrs. Weasley whispered. Hermione slowly turned to face those who had accompanied her. She met their sat, sympathetic faces with a face wet from tears. Mrs. Weasley wasted to no time running over to Hermione and enveloping her in one of her most comforting hugs. For the first time in forty minutes Hermione let go of her parents hands and clung to Mrs. Weasley, soaking the older woman's coat with her tears.

525.600 Minutes: In Truths That She Learned, or The Times That He CriedWhere stories live. Discover now