Chapter 6: Introductions and a Feast

Start from the beginning

The Hufflepuffs may have looked friendly, but when she sat down at the free end of the table they just gave her shy smiles before turning to watch the sorting. Ginny drifted off into her thoughts, watching to see how the other three were getting on. Ron was doing fine, Hermione seemed to be holding her own, but Harry seemed to have a glazed look in his eyes as a snobby looking Ravenclaw prattled on at him. Reminds me of Parvati and Lavender, she thought. She was brought out of her thoughts as a short sandy haired boy dropped down in the seat next to her. Giving her a brilliant smile, he held out his hand, waiting until she cautiously took it.

"Hi there, I'm Samuel Peeves, but everyone just calls me Peeves, I don't know why. I'm a first year, I just got sorted. So, you're new too? That's great! Can I be your friend? You can help me! I'm the only first year Hufflepuff and most of the girls seem like gossips, you seem more normal. So what do you think?" The small boy said very rapidly.

To be honest, Ginny didn't know what to think. He certainly seemed friendly, and enthusiastic, but she was still trying to come to terms with his name. The more she looked at him, the more she came to the conclusion that this was indeed the poltergeist of her time, at least a younger version of the ghost. Unlike the boy Ron was talking to, who looked like he might just be related to someone she knew, this mischievous looking first year was most definitely the same person as the infamous Hogwarts troublemaker. He looks quite innocent at this age, she thought, as she shook his hand gently and started up a conversation.


**Hermione's POV**

"Thirdly, we have Hermione Granger of Slytherin!"

The first thing Hermione noticed when she entered the Great Hall was how few students there seemed to be. The house tables weren't as long as the ones in her own time. Most people must still be educated at home. This is the first magical school; perhaps a lot of people just don't trust it yet. Mind you, in this time the world's population is considerably lower, so that might account for some of the discrepancy.

Hermione's ever-organised mind continued to mull over the smaller number of students as she sat down at the Slytherin table. She looked around nervously at the people around her. They didn't look as bad as the Slytherins in her time. Perhaps they haven't had time to gather all the prejudice that my Slytherins have. At the moment the founder still seems to be a Light wizard, he hasn't shown his true colours yet.

She was brought out of her thoughts by a haughty voice. She looked over at the tall blond boy, who had a smirk fixed on his face. Looks like Malfoy, she thought, as he repeated what he had said.

"I was talking to you, woman! You should answer when a man speaks to you! As I said, I am Horatio d'Escargot, a member of the Norman aristocracy and the most important person in Slytherin House. I haven't heard of the Granger family. Are you from a different country?"

"No, I'm Muggleborn." No point keeping it a secret. If I pretended to be a pureblood, I'd slip up eventually.

"WHAT! A filthy Mudblood in Slytherin House? This is an outrage! Be gone, woman. I don't want you sitting near me!"

Maybe I was wrong, they're just as bad, Hermione thought, as she huffily stood up and moved further down the table. She didn't really want to do what he said, as it would make him think he could walk all over her, she only moved because she didn't want to be near someone who was even worse than Malfoy. Sitting next to a group of fourth years, a mousy haired girl spoke up.

"Don't listen to him. He thinks because he comes from France and is very rich, that he is better than everyone else. Don't take it personally. He has a really low opinion of all women and Muggleborns. Just remember, most of us Slytherins aren't like that."

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