Bokuto : Happy birthday, Bro!

Kuroo : Hey bro, thanks!

I never thought you'd travel your way here

Bokuto : I got something for you!
*reveals Kenma*

Kuroo : You got me my own Kenma!

Kenma : *struggling*

Kuroo : Thanks, bro!

Bokuto : That what's bros do!


Yaku : Hello— nobody's here yet?

That's a bit odd...


Yaku : What was that?



Yaku : Who was that?

*leaves the room*

Okay Morisuke, everything's going to be fine...

*opens the door*

Yamamoto : *holding a rope*

Fukunaga : *baseball bat*

Kenma : *shuts the door*

Kai : *holding a butterfly net*

Inuoka : *holding a ball*

Shibayama : *bugs spray*

Yaku : What're you guys doing?

Shibayama, stuttering : Uh... watch out!

Yaku : What do you mean watch out— ough!!

Bokuto : *falls down to Yaku*

I don't feel any pain... this guy is light.

Kuroo : Try not to kill him, we need him.

At the gym

Kuroo, bursting through the door : Happy Birthday To You!!

Lev, overjoyed : Oh my God, I thought you all forgotten.

Kenma : I don't care...

Lev : And you brought cake!

Shibayama : We stopped by the bakery for you!

Lev : Thank you! *takes the cake*

Kuroo : Wait, before you leave... we got a present for you *smiles*

Lev : All right!

Where is it?

A large box wraps in wrapping paper and a ribbon on top.

Suddenly, the lid opens to reveal Bokuto lifting up Yaku like Rafiki


Here's the present!

Lev : Isn't this Yaku-san?

Kuroo : Of course it's him! *gives Yaku to Lev*

We kidnapped him

Lev : What?!

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