Chapter 5 The Princess and The Two Princes

Start from the beginning

Sierra's horsemen just stands back and watch the situation unfold as she looks on with calculating eyes.

In the midst of all this, I see the Tollenisi prince dismount and head to the front as he looks at me mockingly.

"A Lumieri prince? Ha!" the Tollenisi prince laughs out loud. "Then you are lower than dogs. You're dirt. And it seems you still don't have a flag after your last one was destroyed centuries ago!" he exclaims as he laughs along with his men.

Back then, when we were defeated, Tollen and its allies had Lumiere burn its former flags and forbade anyone from passing on what Lumiere's old flag looked like. The reason for that is unknown as they remained silent on the reason. And now, no one, not even the royal family knows of the image of the old Lumieri flag. Or at least, that seems to be the case. And because of that, any sense of nationalism the Lumieri had was gone, making the other territories secede from us as time went on. If it weren't for my grandfather and father, Lumiere would've probably collapsed altogether, making this land into a huge battleground between cities vying for domination.

"You may think that, but your empire is just composed of cowards, including you." I say with bitterness and I notice that more and more people are crowding around us.

His face then turns into a look of someone insulted as well as enraged. "Oh? Do tell why?" Looks like I hit a nerve.

"You knew you couldn't beat us back then, so you asked for help from the other kingdoms. Your empire was built on cowardice. And its citizens are pathetic cowards. " I say in an insulting tone.

Rage finally seems to get to him as he dismounts from his horse and looks at me straight in the eye. "You've got a big mouth for someone younger and smaller than me dirt."

I raise my sword and aim it at him. "I'm more than just a big mouth and let me show it to you."

He is about to charge at me when Sierra suddenly shouts. "Hugh!"

Hugh huh, guess that's his name. And it seems after Sierra shouted he's actually cooled down.

Hugh looks around him and sees the standoff between his guards and mine, as well as several of Vellia's soldiers slowly pouring in.

He sheathes his sword and faces me again with a scowl. "You're lucky Sierra saved you dirt. But next time you do this to me, I'll make sure you won't do it a third time."

He proceeds to leave with his men but glares at me before doing so.

I have a mocking look to counter the glare. "I'd like to see you try."

As I sheathe my sword, Sierra comes to me with a neutral expression and I can't seem to tell if she's annoyed again or otherwise.

"That was impressive. I never saw anyone willing to stand up to Hugh before," she says in what I perceive is a genuine way.

I feel myself getting hotter but I manage to speak. "T-thanks, I just thoug-"

"And that was also stupid," she says in interruption to what I was going to say.

"W-what?" I asked with shock. I thought she was complimenting me.

"Like I said, it was also stupid doing that to Hugh. He means what he says, you should watch yourself around him," She says in calm tone that I think has no amount of concern.

"O-okay, I guess..." I reply as I look down.

"Good." She nods. "And make sure not to start a fight the next time we meet uh... what's your name?"

"Oh," I immediately realize afterwards that I never introduced myself which furthers my embarrassment. "I'm sorry, my name's Leo, Leo Sanloren."

"Alright, nice to meet you Prince Leo, I'm Sierra Missel, crown princess of Cistan, though I suppose you already know that right?" she asks as if it was normal to know her.

"I er... Y-yes." I reply nervously not really knowing what to respond to at least make her smile at me.

"Then I'll best be leaving Prince Leo." She says as she proceeds to her carriage.

"Uh... J-just Leo," I blurt out not really thinking what I'm doing.

She turns to face me again. "Pardon?"

I muster a bit more courage to repeat what I just said. "Y-you can call me Leo."

"Very well then... Leo, I best be off. Farewell," she says with finality.

I watch as her carriage leaves and the smile I had before, returns. "She really is beautiful. Ehehehe." I mutter to myself.

Soon, Captain Robert approaches and clears his throat. "Sir."

I immediately snap out of my trance and look at him with a smile. "Yes? What is it Captain?"

"We've talked to the Vellian soldiers, we're permitted to leave without talking to the lord. They've understood that it was a misunderstanding," he states and looks at the Vellian soldiers with a glare and they look away in fear. "And the supplies are loaded sir, we best leave while we still have daylight." He states pointing to the men preparing to saddle up.

I nod at him. "Very good Captain, then let us be off."

"Yes sir," he agrees and goes to his horse.

As I walk back to my horse, I turn and look at the road where Sierra's carriage passed through.

"I hope I can see her again." I mutter to myself.

"Sir," Robert calls as he trots his horse next to me.

"I'm coming," I reply as I saddle up and we head towards Ravage Rock.

Lumieri Chronicles: Rise of the First Empire (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now