he is my best friend ~ niniola

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i woke up and stretched my arms out, then rubbed out the sleep dust from my eyes. i slept pretty well for dealing with one of leo's tantrums, in my opinion.

he's probably sleeping it off right now, in the room opposite mine. he insisted on staying in that room, since he "wanted to be closer to me in case something happened".

like he could actually do anything, i swear he's such a softie 70% of the time. that other 30% makes me question why we are friends to be honest. i brush my teeth then apply cleanser, moisturiser and SPF. now whoever said black girls don't get sunburn lied; i always apply SPF every day before i go out, win or lose.

i start making some pancakes and leave him some for when he wakes up, since i'm considerate. even after his shouting match at me last night, i still do help him out since i don't know what he'd do without me.

i hear the door creak and see him awake and half naked, yet again; i always tell him that i prefer him dressed since my body is not yet programmed to see him as just a friend. that's all he is though, despite what he thinks.

"leoooo, put a shirt on, you know i hate when you walk around like that." i said, putting some whininess in my voice for effect.

"nini, i know you wanna be all up in this. say the word and i'll fuck you till you forget your name, bestie." he says, half serious. i roll my eyes at his antics and gesture to breakfast.

we eat together in a comfortable silence and i can clearly see him looking at me intently; i start to feel weird and ask, "what's your big ass looking at?" he just chuckles and stares back at his meal, weird much.

i finish up the breakfast and wash up mine, since leo was still going with his massive stack. i look at him and smile, something about him just makes me feel good.

"leo, i'm off to work, you don't need to drop me since you're recovering from yesterday." i say, through the hallway.

"i'm dropping you off." he says, with his annoying no nonsense tone. no way i was getting out of that this time, i guess. i just nod and wait for him to drive the car around.

he does and jogs to the door to open it for me. what a gentleman right? if only he was like this all the time, he would be the type of person i would date. he had a nasty streak about him, but i dealt with it since he was my best friend.

we arrive and i hop out at the tiny and gorgeous cafe, where i work. he gives me a short hug and tells me to have a good day, which i was planning on. i put on my apron and get started on serving customers.

the day flies by pretty quickly and i find myself having a relatively average day. the bells on the door chime and i see leo enter with 4 of his friends, i assume. i give him a small wave to say hello and he calls me over.

"welcome to soro's, what can i get for you today?" i gesture towards the menu, and wonder if they need more time to think. i notice one darkskin man looking at me with interest and i smile, because he was literally gorgeous. leo should approve this time, since it's one of his friends.

i hate playing into that stupid best friends who want each other stereotype, but leo is too possessive for someone who isn't mine. all my previous interests never progress and he always has something to do with it, unfortunately.

they place their order and i'm about to leave when a hand grabs my waist gently. it was gentle, but still unexpected so i prepare myself to teach a lesson on manners to whoever was dumb enough to try and put hands on me. i can see leo's expression darken to one of rage, so i calm myself down slightly.

"sorry for grabbing you unexpectedly, my bad. could i get your number, babe?" he smiles and flashes his pearly whites. my absolute weakness hits yet again, so i input my number into his phone. starting to get the feeling that leo was going to do something malicious, i whisper into his ear, "don't you dare do anything." not like he'll listen anyway.

i head into the kitchen and submit their order to be made, then deal with any other outstanding customers waiting to order. the whole time i can feel leo's eyes on me, probably pissed about that guy. well, not his problem anyway. i refuse to let another relationship of mine go to shit because of his unnecessary meddling.

the bell in the kitchen dings, signifying that their order was ready. i head over to them and hand out their food, all whilst keeping a flirty smile on for the darkskin. referring to him as the darkskin feels weird, but i don't know his name yet so it'll have to do for now. 

half an hour later, they finish their meal and i'm left with a monstrous tip of $100 from the darkskin and $200 from leo. knowing him, he was probably just trying to show off.

"i can't possibly accept this, that's too much, keep it for yourself." i say, kinda nervous.

the darkskin giggles and says, "think of it as a reminder for you to pick up my call, babe. have a good one." i wave goodbye to leo and his friends, and continue working as usual. this job wasn't the most fulfilling but it got the bills paid and that's what mattered.

8 o' clock hit, so i started packing up my belongings and getting ready to go home. i walk out of the store and lock up the doors, remembering to close the shutters as well. i see leo in the car park, waiting for me. he waves and goes to open the door for me, which i gracefully smile at.

"you should smile more often, niniola."  he says, which surprised me since he wasn't in one of his moods. the car ride was silent and tense, but not uncomfortable. he opens the door for me to get out again, and holds my hand as we go inside our apartment. we moved in together right after university, we were even more inseparable back then.

the atmosphere shifted immediately. he started taking steps towards me, where i was standing in the kitchen.

"you wanna fuck other guys, huh? you want to give away what's mine, to other men? i don't know who the fuck you think you're dealing with here, because i'm not stupid. if things weren't clear, you're fucking mine. as you always have been." he says, raising his voice. he's closed the gap now and is using his arms to trap me between him. this, is what i like to call leonardo. he becomes a completely different person and i'm pretty sure it's split personality disorder or bipolar, because this isn't normal.

instead of my usual response of ignoring him, i decide to try and talk some sense into him.

"i'm not yours, we're just friends. we've never fucked before, so i have no idea where you got the idea that you own me. i can fraternise with whoever i want, i don't need your permission." i respond, getting sick of his random mood swings.

"you're mine. how many times do i need to tell you? you bring out this side in me because you never fucking listen. do i need to fuck you for you to understand? because i will, and you'll beg for it." he shouts, in my face.

"bro, we've never even gone out romantically ever. i don't know where you got the idea that we were a thing, because i've never led you to believe that. is it so much to ask for you to leave me alone so i can be happy?" i shout, getting frustrated.

"i can make you happy." he says, finally. i leave the room after that, confused on what's going through his mind. i wasn't able to sleep much for the night, but i notice leo coming in around 1am to sleep besides me and don't say anything. he feels warm and safe, so i let it be just for tonight. he snuggles me closer to him and says, "don't leave."

how was that? 

idk how to write sex scenes so bear with me while i learn, mk

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