"But what would happen to the whole werewolf world if we no longer have Alphas?" I question, trying to consider this from a different angle.

It's Logan who says, "Democracy,"

Nessa chuckled.

"Do this for us. Seduce Enzo and steal that stone and you won't have to worry about Alphas chasing you because the Alphas would be left so powerless or else, of course, they were trained like you which most of them aren't anyway, at least not at your level,"

"But aren't you guys afraid that I could just steal the stone for myself. Immortal sounds nice to me too anyway," It's Logan who eyes me dangerously as if he's about to lurch at me. I smile internally, happy to have ruffled a few feathers. Nessa tugs at my braid, not hard enough to hurt me but hard enough to warn me.

"If you did that, Raven, Kai, Enzo and the Assassins' would be the least of your worries," Her lips nearly touch my ears when she leans in to whisper, "I'll hurt you myself and I'll make sure it hurts so much that you'll end up begging me for death,"

A shiver travels down my spine then she moves away, still holding on to my braid. Nessa scared me. She scared the shit out of me. With her wild eyes and hair, she was the brain behind Logan and she was evil. At least Logan was just stupid and rebellious but I just never understood the reason for Nessa's continuous dedication to doing evil. From what I knew about her story, life wronged her but still, life wronged me too but you don't see me plotting the demise of the fifteen Alphas in existence excluding Logan.

Nessa inspired a fear in me that only one other person before her could rival - the Leader of the Assassins'. I didn't like it and that's why I fled so now, all I want to do is flee from the clutches of a witch who literally has my hair in her hands.

"Also, to harvest the powers of the blue moonstone, you need a very powerful witch. Not only do I doubt that you know any witches other than me but I also know that if you did find a witch powerful enough to channel the intoxicating power of that stone, they simply wouldn't be willing to do it,"

"What do you gain out of this, Nessa? I understand Logan's greed but I don't understand your motives for fueling and encouraging Logan's greed," my voice rose when I called her out, finally expressing what I had thought for weeks now.

Nessa sighed. "Nothing. I just really hate Alphas,"


"Enough!" She bellowed, pulling at my braid again. This time, she pulled it very hard and I screamed out. I wanted nothing more than to strangle this witch. "We have offered you the deal so now tell us; are you in or out? Do you want your freedom or not?"

She let go of my braid and took a step away from me. I stood there and rubbed my scalp while screaming profanities in my head.

Reluctantly, I reached out my hand to shake hers when I replied, "I'm in,"


I tossed and turned in bed all night, unable to get any hint of sleep. Tomorrow was the day and to say that I wasn't prepared would be an understatement.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Nessa and Logan wanted to destroy the whole Alpha system. To say that their plan was evil would also be an understatement. Unfortunately, they need my help to do this and I am in desperate need of my freedom.

Nessa had a rough childhood. Her mother was an Alpha's luna when she got pregnant for her with a human who was sent to our world as a sacrificial exchange. Her mother was in heat and cheated on her mate with the human. Her mother also mated her Alpha mate and ended up pregnant with Nessa and a twin sister, both of which, had different fathers. Due to Nessa's mother's fear of losing her mate, she gave away Nessa who was not her mate's child to the witches from her original pack - the Blackwood pack.

Nessa's mom never met her and her father was murdered for mating a wolf which was apparently forbidden for some reason I don't understand or maybe the witches just did it to tie up loose ends. I don't know but what I do know is that Nessa's life was hell after that. She was not treated right by the witches who raised her and she was not very happy. In fact, she was not happy at all. She blames her mother's Alpha mate for this.

So I believe that this is why she hates Alphas. Maybe she feels like if her mother's mate wasn't an Alpha then things would have been different. I don't think that her story affirms hating on Alphas but I do think it affirms hating on the mate bond. A bond that makes you choose your mate over your baby because your baby doesn't belong to your mate and you're afraid of losing your mate is not a bond that I respect.

I don't know much more about Nessa's life after that. All I know is that at some point, she dated Alpha Matthew and he dumped her which she's still scorned about and then after that, she met Logan. They are best friends because they bond over destroying and hating others. Nessa is the brains of the operation and poor Logan doesn't even realise that he's just the puppet.

You know it would be so much more understandable if the two of them were actually fucking and she was giving him bomb sex or something but they aren't! There is zero romantic chemistry between the pair and I know this for a fact because I've been living with them for over a month in total.

Nessa single-handedly managed to not only create a pack for Logan but also indoctrinate him as Alpha which if her moonstone theory is correct then I don't know how she was able to make Logan into an Alpha without a moonstone but I decide that that's not my business for now. Regardless, my point is that if she's powerful enough to create an Alpha right from under everyone's noses then I don't doubt that she's equally as powerful to destroy the Alpha system and me if I cross her.

I sit up, giving up on sleep as I yawn and push my fingers through my hair, pulling it out of its bun. It drapes like a curtain over me, falling everywhere instantly.

When I see the trickles of the new day through my window, I realise that I didn't get any sleep all night. I yawn again. It's already dawn and I am so exhausted from staying awake all night thinking about everything.

My door opens and Nessa stands there. She switches on the lights and my eyes are forced shut by the uncomfortable and sudden brightness.

When they open, Nessa is closing the door. She holds a pair of scissors in her hands.

"Get ready, Raven. The day has arrived,"


This is a chapter that I like to call 'the Origin of Alphas' or maybe just simply 'the Origins' because Nessa's past is stated here too.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it🖤.

 Hope you enjoyed it🖤

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