Lunch Time

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*Remy's POV*

He waved at me.

Oh my god.

What the fuck do I do-

Okay Remy, just stay calm.. it is j u s t a simple wave. It could mean anything,,, or even nothing at all.

Trying to seem as cool and collected as possible, I raise my hand slightly, still holding my camera, waving a few fingers at Roman.

He smiled. God his fucking smile...

He made a pointing motion to my camera, then mimed taking a picture, then pointed to himself, giving me a questioning look.

I raise an eyebrow, trying to figure out what he means. I think we wants me to take his picture..

I copy his actions, holding my camera up and pointing at it, then pointing at him. He nodded, his playful smile growing. I couldn't help but smile as well, bringing my camera up and getting Roman focused in the frame. 

He smiled brightly, laying the side of his head in his hand. I snap a photo.

He, with his other hand, makes a peace sign, sticking his tongue out. This pose made me chuckle lightly. I snap anther photo.

He then moved in his seat, facing more to the side, as looked out, as if dramatically looking out into the distance. I think this was my favorite pose so far. He looked like a professional model, just sitting here in this chemistry lab.

Still facing his body that way, he looked back at me, looking into the camera, his expression sharp yet soft, a nearly perfect look on his tan, sun-kissed skin.

I snapped a picture for that pose.

"Mr. Sanders, would you care to join us back in our discussion, sir?" Roman quickly snapped his head back towards the front, where Mrs. Alvarez was trying to get him to pay attention again.

"Oh... sorry ma'am... " Roman said, giving a sheepish look.

Mrs. Alvarez gave him a small warning look, getting back to her lab review.

I decide that after that great little photo shoot, but also getting Roman in trouble, that I should take my leave.

I stand up, turning my camera off. Walking to the door, I looked back to Roman, who gave me a little wave with his pencil. I smile and wave a bit back to him.

"I think I'll head back to class now. Thanks for letting my get some pictures, Mrs. Alvarez." I go to the door.

"Anytime, Mr. Night. I'll see you around." And at that, I left, heading back to Mr. Lison's room, where yearbook was held.

*Third-Person POV*

~Later that day, around lunchtime~

"So... you took pictures of him?" Virgil looked to his best friend, whom he was walking beside.

Remy smiled, sighing dreamily, "Yeah... I did..."

"And this makes you happy because...?" Virgil raised an eyebrow.

"Because?? BeCaUsE?! Because he is hot as fucking hell, and now I have actually DECENT photos of him that he l e t me take, Vee!! This is huge!" Remy stated loudly as he walked backwards to face Virgil.

Virgil chuckled, "You are so fucking obsessed with Roman, I swear. You need to chill, dude. This is giving me stalker vibes." 

"I am not a sTaLkEr, Virge. I just... know a lot about Roman... in hopes that if we ever get to talking... I'll know some things about him... "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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