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*Remy's POV*

"I swear, just hold still for like two seconds people! Every shot is freakin blurry! I can't turn this crap in." I look through the pictures I had taken today. I got a few good shots of people sitting out in the grass at lunch, a few group pictures of people with their friends, and then all these d a m n shots of people walking down the hallway, either looking like they've been censored out, or smudged on the screen.

Like, I get that class is important or whatever, but do you *really* have to walk that damn fast??

I sigh, letting my camera gently fall back onto my chest, giving up on getting this shot for now. "I guess I'll go see if any of the science classes are doing a lab or something I could get some cool pictures of." I say aloud to myself, starting to walk my way to get to the science hall.

As I'm walking, I come face to face with Patton Hart. I knew Patton because I had some classes with him... and I knew he was Roman's best friend, and I knew a lot about Roman.... so I knew this guy. 

"Oh, hey Patton." I said calmly to the smaller dude in front of me.

"Hi Remy!" He said in his bright, sunshine voice, "Whatcha doin out here in the halls with your camera? Is it yearbook stuff?" He tilted his head to the side. 

"Yup," I popped the 'p' at the end of my answer, "y'know, the usual stuff." 

He nodded enthusiastically, "Well, I hope you get good shots today!" And at that he left, off to do... well whatever Patton was off to do.

I continued my walk to the science hall, it wasn't terribly far away.

About a minute and a half later, I arrive at the chemistry lab. I softly knock at the door, receiving an okay to enter a few short seconds later.

I shuffle inside, scanning the room, I see some rando students I see everyday, some... background characters if you will, in this lame ass story that is my life. But then, then I see him.

His white denim jacket, that literally only he could pull off. His red shirt, cropped, slightly showing his toned stomach. His perfect golden brown sun-kissed waves falling slightly across the side of his head. His beautiful big light brown eyes. His gorgeous lips that I cant help but imagine ki-

"Remy? Remy...? Mr. Night!" I was snapped out of my simping by the teacher, Mrs. Alvarez, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Wha- Oh... sorry... kinda zoned out there..heh.." I sheepishly rubbed at the back of my neck. I heard a few small chuckles around the room. I looked, Roman wasn't laughing. In fact he looked very focused but very confused by the work in front of him, tapping the eraser of his pencil against the table as his eyes scanned the paper. I think he must've sensed my slight staring because he suddenly looked up, right at me. I, of course, immediately looked away, very thankful for the sunglasses sitting on my face. 

"Was there something in particular you needed, Mr. Night?" Mrs. Alvarez gave me a questioning look.

"Um, pretty much just yearbook potential. You and your class doing anything interesting?" I held up my camera for emphasis.

"Well, I was actually about to go over a lab with them." she motioned to the screen on her whiteboard, projecting equations and lab procedures. I took Mrs. Alvarez last year, and I know her Chemistry labs are no joke, but usually really fun.

"Ah cool, mind if I stay and get a few snaps?" I point to the small table in the corner of her room, it had a chair I could sit in a get good full class angles from.

"Sure, I don't mind it, just try not to disturb our class." Mrs. Alvarez stated, waving a hand my way, giving me permission to go to that chair and set up.

There wasn't much I needed to do, just turn my camera on and get it focused. I go over, sitting down sideways in the chair, like the homosexual I am, pressing the power button on my camera. 

I bring it to my face, watching as the screen start to display the class in front of me. I start to focus it, zooming in on random things to help the process. Then I move my angle a bit, looking over the students. My camera then focuses onto him... Roman..

I hold my breath, he is just so gorgeous... His profile is just absolutely stunning. I swear I could measure the angle of his perfect jawline. I take my sunglasses off even, to get an even better look at this man.

He looked up from his paper took check the board. That's when I snapped a picture. Looking back at it, I think my heart skipped a small beat. This would definitely be a picture I kept close.

Sure, I kept a few pictures I've taken, we are allowed to take a few personal pictures, as long as we also primarily get shots for the yearbook.

I decided to take a few more pictures of Roman before actually trying to get pictures worthy of turning in for the yearbook.

*Roman's POV*

Oh god... I hate Chemistry...

Well, not hate, but just.. I'm really not good at it..

There are s o many other things I could be doing with my time then doing this lab. Like running lines, or going over my concert music, or like, literally anything else.

The things Mrs. Alvarez is explaining on the board is like a foreign language to me. But I'm sure I'll be able to get it once I work a bit with Logan. He knows how to explain it in ways that I can actually really understand.

even though I know it's a bad idea, and I will regret it later when we actually start working, I start zoning out, just kind of looking around the room at random stuff. The posters. The white board. The number of tiles in the ceiling. That yearbook kid.

I decide that he was the most interesting things to watch at the time being, so I keep my gaze on him, that is, while trying not to look like I was staring like a creep. 

I watch as he snaps the occasional photo of what is happening in the class, immediately going and looking at it afterward.

I wonder if it's hard to see the screen with those sunglasses on...

I think my attempt to go unnoticed with my watching of him failed, because when I looked up to his face, he was looking at me. We made eye contact for a small at least I think we did. I could be wrong, his glasses were pretty dark. But I quickly looked away, before looking back up to see if he had moved on, back to whatever it was he was doing.

To my slight surprise, when I looked back to him, he was still looking my way. I decide I wanted to try and mess around with him, cause why not? It's not like I was paying much attention anyways.

I smile softly, raising a hand and giving a small wave.


Haha, leaving you to wonder what happens next

How evil of me~

Lol nah, I'll start working on the next part soon

But anyhow... First Part!! Yay! I really hope you guys liked it!!

First parts can be kinda lowkey awkward, but I tried my best to keep it the least amount of awkward I could XD

Until next time, Take it Easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals!

Peace Out!!

Coffee Stains and Unread Scripts~ A RoSleep High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now